Thursday, December 24, 2009

Isrraeli Frankenstein's are exposed in a rare moment of clarity

!!! At long last after several years of personally attempting to get this information past the Zionist censors of Huffington Post, Truthdig, and Commondreams and countless other venues and into the public record, the vile and horrendous practice of killing Palestinian children for their organs is finally getting the curtain lifted just a little bit. There is still much, much more to this story extending to the murders and brutal injuries by flechette munitions in the Christmas Holocaust on Gaza last year and it requires much pressure from people here in the United States to make sure that the Israeli's are brought to account for these monstrously vile acts, and made to pay in profit and prison after war crimes tribunals. There is no way for American Jews to deny that their taxes and contributions to Madoff, Merkin and others funded these war crimes against humanity. It is time to balance the books. A great day for the truth to begin to emerge...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lay off Howard Dean please!

Bill Boyarsky...What an idiot!

Bill just doesn’t seem to comprehend that the
Republicans intentionally forced every bit of crap
into this bill and took every bit of goodness out of
it to force its defeat in the eyes of the American
people while requiring the Congress to pass it so
that the Democrats can look like the short sighted
fools that they are in order to elect the Sarah Palin
- Glen Beck in 2012.

As this bill is written now your medicare money and
your social security check will be reduced to give
even more money to insurance executives in the terms
of wall street size bonuses. That’s what Dean saw;
and what any other moderately astute American needs
to be able to get their heads around. Most retired
Americans get a little over 500 a month in social
security. Then any federal indebtedness like student
loans and this public/private option swindle comes
out in 20% chunks from that 500. Most retired
Americans carrying these debts will have $325 a month
as their sole means of survival. With the TARP
giveaway inflationary effects (to be experienced in
reduced buying power and the already quickly rising
prices of food and consumables like gasoline that
$325 should be enough to fill your gas tank once and
get you two cases of beer from Liquor Store Larry and
some beef jerky. If you don’t believe that
conditions such as those will get Palin—Beck elected
then you had better stockpile canned food for your
retirement and live like the father and son in “The
Road”. Either way the Devil gets his due.

David Michael Green had a piece today in Counterpunch and had the
clearest picture of Obama yet:

““...I did not run for office to continue George
Bush’s valiant effort at shredding the Bill of
Rights. It’s just that those government-limiting
rules are so darned pesky.”

“...I did not run for office to dump a ton of
taxpayer money into the coffers of health insurance
companies. It’s just that they asked so nicely.”

“...I did not run for office to block equality for
gay Americans. I just never got around to doing
anything about it.”

“...I did not run for office to turn Afghanistan into
Vietnam. I just didn’t want to say no to all the
nice generals asking for more troops.”

Here’s a guy who was supposed to actually do
something with his presidency, and he’s turned into
the skinny little geek on Cell Block D who gets
passed around like a rag doll for the pleasure of all
the fellas with the tattoos there. He’s being punked
by John Boehner, for chrisakes. He’s being rolled by
the likes of Joe Lieberman. He calls a come-to-Jesus
meeting with Wall Street bank CEOs, and half of them
literally phone it in. Everyone from Bibi Netanyahu
to the Japanese prime minister to sundry Iranian
mullahs is stomping all over Mr. Happy.

And he doesn’t even seem to realize it.”

The evil of Obama's election with one lie following another like segments of a tapeworm are starting to get into the body politic and are eating the soul of the country from the inside out.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lies, Lies, and Damn LIES

Mic Jordan
Mic Jordan
If you want to hear a complete utter pack of outright mendacious lies, falsehoods, untruths, mixed with red meat for the right wing idiots just tune in and listen the Obama Peace Prize acceptance speech. Written by the oil enterprise institute. What a tool. He lied about the reason for invading Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In less than 20 minutes he lied about every rotten decision made to steal oil from the rest of the world. As Joe Begeant says, terrorists are the people who live near oil deposits and have the audacity to expect to build their societies from the revenue from petroleum just like the US did at the turn of the Century.

Barack Obama is rotten to the core. At this juncture I look forward to Palin as President, as at least she found a way for the Alaskans to benefit from Prudhoe Bay. Goddamn I never thought I'd write a sentence like that last one!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tiger by the tail

Circumstances and questions swirling around Tiger Woods and possible cocaine addiction persist as he stalls police again (to allow for Detox Tea to clear his system ?) after an early morning accident leaving his driveway hitting a fire hydrant and crashing into a tree and needing to be pulled from his vehicle by his wife who broke into his car with a golf club. Golf clubs seem to be the tool of choice in the family as Tiger has been using them to throw into crowds when he misses a shot missing fans by inches while easing his anger and tension.

Probably the most private of billionaires, his uptight demeanor is classic teeth gritting uberstress probably nurtured in his youth by a father who pushed him relentlessly from the age of 3 to be the golf champion his father never was. In recent years Tiger has been rumored strongly of adultery toward his wife and two children. This most recent incident happened in the early morning shortly after 2 AM. Stay tuned for further details as another larger than life figure returns to Earth.

update: marriage infidelity was the cause of the dust-up and this will probably turn out to be the most expensive piece Tiger ever bought...ah the life of the petty bourgeoisie of Stanford University. They really need an ethics course at Stanford.

update 2 (12/8/09): Turns out the Tiger drugs were Ambien and Vicodin, --The Republican speedball. The number of b-girls for the Tiger is presently at 10 with his childhood buddy Byron Bell doing the pimping and watching out while Tiger pumps. Just like a couple o' TKE frats at a pig party. Yuck ! I see both of them running around in tighty-whities and the gag response becomes uncontrollable...Byron is getting married on Saturday??...That ought to be a very interesting exchange of vows...I hope his new wifey-mate has a sense of dramatic ceremony and humour. Maybe she will do the right thing and refuse to tie the knot with a pimp.

update 3: Mother in law taken away in ambulance with stomach pains. On the night of the accident Tiger admitted with a drug OD to the hospital under a phony name. This is far from over...
more at

update 4:'s up to 11 now...I think Tiger has a good case for The Betty Ford Clinic...Vicodin is narcotic and depresses function including blood pressure and is used for reducing pain awareness...accompanied with blood pressure reduction -erectile dysfunction ... Advair raises blood pressure to compensate and a battle ensues between an upper and a downer...the John Belushi OD was of a similar dynamic except he was combining cocaine and heroin. Tiger should have been made aware of these dangers by his Big Pharma medical team just as Michael Jackson should have been made aware by Dr. Feelgood....

Healthcare? The less invasive procedures of integrative medicine might have produced less toxic interactions and not brought the demise of these stars. How would Dr Weil have counseled either man?

Tiger's transits at the time of the incident 2:25am Friday 27th ...

MERCURY NEPTUNE CUPIDO Professional breach of promise (also of marriage). Infidelity in married life. Thinking about the division of a community, desiring to leave it. Thoughts of sorrow and sadness about the break-up of the family or about a shortage of housing. Mutual plans are not accomplished. Artistic, fairy tale fiction. Unfortunate thoughts of marriage. Society swindle. Marriage swindler.

MARS NEPTUNE CUPIDO Destruction of family happiness. Dissolved community. A grave misunderstanding in the society. Accident. Divorce. Dissolved artistic ties. Marriage intentions have faded away. Impotence or infection of the husband. Quarrels in housing matters.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Goldstone Report highlights and conclusions:

from Counterpunch (11/16/2009 Clark):

1883. The Gaza military operations were, according to the Israeli Government, thoroughly and extensively planned. While the Israeli Government has sought to portray its operations as essentially a response to rocket attacks in the exercise of its right to self-defense, the Mission considers the plan to have been directed, at least in part, at a different target: the people of Gaza as a whole.


1887. The timing of the first Israeli attack, at 11.30 a.m. on a weekday, when children were returning from school and the streets of Gaza were crowded with people going about their daily business, appears to have been calculated to create the greatest disruption and widespread panic among the civilian population. The treatment of many civilians detained or even killed while trying to surrender is one manifestation of the way in which the effective rules of engagement, standard operating procedures and instructions to the troops on the ground appear to have been framed in order to create an environment in which due regard for civilian lives and basic human dignity was replaced with disregard for basic international humanitarian law and human rights norms.


1889. The repeated failure to distinguish between combatants and civilians appears to the Mission to have been the result of deliberate guidance issued to soldiers, as described by some of them, and not the result of occasional lapses.

1891. It is clear from evidence gathered by the Mission that the destruction of food supply installations, water sanitation systems, concrete factories and residential houses was the result of a deliberate and systematic policy by the Israeli armed forces. It was not carried out because those objects presented a military threat or opportunity, but to make the daily process of living, and dignified living, more difficult for the civilian population.

1893. The operations were carefully planned in all their phases. Legal opinions and advice were given throughout the planning stages and at certain operational levels during the campaign. There were almost no mistakes made according to the Government of Israel. It is in these circumstances that the Mission concludes that what occurred in just over three weeks at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 was a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Goldstone Report: Fiasco for Obama Credibility

The Credibility Gap gets abysmal as yet another Israeli government decree is HEEDED by the United Zionist States of America:

"Ignore the Goldstone Report and send more arms to the 51st State of Israel to scorch the earth of Palestine and shred the collective karma of American dual citizens who fight for the IDF and train their gunsights on pregnant Palestinian bellies and then return to American colleges as if nothing happened. When questioned, refuse to cooperate and cite antisemitism. Earn a law degree and join the Obama Administration. "

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade in reverse.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Bad News Jews strike again...religion injures more innocent children...concussion grenades used against the sticks and stones of a conquered children people who don't want the oldest historical artifact, their temple, damaged by irresponsible archaeologists what do the Jews do? GRENADES inside the structure...
....what a horrible place to live and defend...why are we Americans doing it? We have an amendment in our laws stating that we have no connection with religion and yet since 1946 we have allowed these people to blackmail us into supporting their Jewish state religious homeland nonsense...while standing aside while they murder thousands...and destroy olive trees (food) to destroy homes displace 300,000+ people to build homes for American Jews to move-in and take over...murdering pregnant women while in the IDF...harvesting organs of the injured before they are murdered instead of healing the wounded which is what civilisation demands....a very mad situation...there is no excuse for this level of base it off with beatings by baton weilding American Jewish children offering their poor neighbors severe doses of tear gas...why are we in Israel?

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Creepy guy from Moldova

"If optimism is a glass half full, pessimism a glass half empty, Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is the guy who pours out the glass and proudly proclaims it completely empty. The right-wing politician recently declared that there’s “no chance” of a solution to core issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that people need to learn “to live with it.” Truthdig

I agree with Avigdor Lieberman that this is a
blessing of riches to be reaped for Israeli’s when
one considers the expanded health insurance in the US
(to come soon) -which will further expand the market
for illegally obtained organs from wounded
Palestinian children shot by the IDF.

There must certainly be a program of increased
compensation for soldiers to provide further
incentive for those who wound for the purposes of
organ harvesting. The prices will go up because the
schmear will involve more payoffs of airport
officials and customs inspectors.

The spin-off market will perhaps someday leave the
Middle East and concentrate solely in the US where
the spoilage problem is less severe. There are
plenty of poor people who are in desperate financial
agony and will be easily seduced by the organ brokers
to part with anything they have two of. Of course
when under the anesthetic, the operation for a kidney
could easily turn into a heart or liver and often was
the primary reason for getting a poor person to agree
to part with a kidney. You can always say “operator

This is a great way for people who have no human
worth to live beyond their natural lives by stealing
the hearts of those without money. This is the
darkest of ages and Avigdor Lieberman is brave enough
to face it with a smile. It’s not surprising that he
got his start in Moldova where rabbinical organ
trafficking is canonical. You have to admire someone
like Avigdor Lieberman who has/is chosen to lead his
people away from compassion and into the jaws of
perennial historical criticism and thorough lasting
eternal disgust and damnation.

Even Hitler couldn’t do that.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Rachel for Congress??

Rachel Maddow is becoming increasingly shrill and irrelevant. Her cheer-leading for the Israeli holocaust of the Palestinians considered along with her awful interview of Representative Alan Grayson, (D-FL 8th district) was really a horrible attempt to paint him as anti-semitic when he is in fact Jewish, born in NYC, and a distinguished graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. She apparently thinks the word "holocaust" is the exclusive property of WWII victims and cannot be applied to Palestinians or even the 45,000 Americans who are bureaucratically executed by the health insurance companies and die for lack of insurance.

Even when reminded that Alan Grayson is a distinguished Jewish Harvard alumni she was never able to retract her THREE attempts to have HIM retract his use of the word "holocaust" to describe the net effect of Republican negativity. Unfortunately she is precisely the reason why progressives are going to lose the next two elections. Poor research and pig-headness rather than humility rules her approach, which is often entertaining but never completely without taint of "know it all", without the knowledge to back it up.
Interview is here:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gravlax Recipe

I love this dish and have achieved much success with skin-on sandwich of salmon enclosed with a mixing of salt 2/3 with 1/3 sugar with a generous portion of fine pieces of fennel which grows wild where I live in Berkeley and then more fennel on each side where the skin is. Then I sprinkle more salt outside the fennel before I wrap it so that it is completely surrounded with plenty of salt and fennel to seal the cure. This prevents undue saltiness because the salt-sugar mixed with the fennel is next to the flesh.

Then wrapping with plastic wrap works fine and then into a glass baking oblong. I then take another glass baking oblong of the same dimension and place it upside down on top of everything and weight it with a brick (or once with an antique flat iron) once the weight is in the upper oblong, mash it uniformly to facilitate slicing later on. Refrigerate it. Turn it when ever you think of it and in 2 days it is done. The salty brine mixture facilitates the cure by drawing water out of the fish and the sugar takes the bite of the salt. The only pure salt is outside the skin and intermingled with the fennel while remaining away from the flesh. It gets pretty wetly briny and most of the bacteria have burst their placentas due to the salt induced osmosis and greatly compromised. If you want you can keep it in for another day that is OK too.

Slicing is important and must be as thin as humanly possible and at no more than a 15-20 degree angle so that you can achieve a piece that is razor thin and about 5 inches measured along the backbone. Be deft while separating the slice from the skin because the meat near the skin is more fragile.

A good piece of rough grain bread with a cardiac inducing smor of unsalted fresh butter will produce a delightful sensation you can feel in your ears. The second bite is sheer glutinous excess. It is really not necessary to obsess over keeping it, for it will be gone in short order.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gee kiddo you actually believe they didn't??? and directed by jack abramoff! As Barney Frank would say "What planet are you currently living on???"
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 21:02:21

The Road Ahead for Michael Vick
...with his tongue
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 18:02:39

The Road Ahead for Michael Vick
When rich football players start fighting homeless people in pit rings on chains then maybe, MAYBE, the world will work out its demons but I doubt it. Bring back the gladiators. Let Vick fight a lion bare handed. Let's get totally Roman! Seriously though I really appreciate your bringing the facts into the light. It is a shame that your post got so little sensible and serious treatment. Your ASPCA group was completely right in setting the record straight on this inhuman brute aberration. People who do this are human beings in the clinical sense only and do not deserve to walk freely alongside the rest of us. Thank you sir. Send all dog fighters to jail for a minimum of 10 years hard labor at the Parchment Farm.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 16:13:30

Michael Vick: Black Sheep or Scapegoat on Animal Rights?
Michael Vick killed dogs to make money by illegal activity. If he had been hungry, it would have been justified. He has never needed the money or the food so he should not be given any breaks. Kim Basinger was right to book a flight out of this relationship. Read some Chomsky Alec, or Joe Lieberman will clean your clock. There is nothing to make anyone believe that Vick has any subtlety or sincerity regarding animals. He had his 15 minutes on the world stage and now is rich. He needs to summon some grace and go gently into the night and keep his nose clean.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 15:40:00

Should You Get Your Drug Information From An Actor?
If your dad has any indications for blocked arteries or has any indications at all of high blood pressure this inhaler could bring about a stroke. Inhalers are very, very, dangerous short term miracle cures which have dangerous addictive side effects. Most people who start to use them can never stop and have to use them more and more frequently. Find another way to fix dad. The inhaler will finish him off prematurely.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 15:29:47

Millions Face Shrinking Social Security Payments
The "facts" in this article are stunningly incorrect. Inflation has increased dramatically. Just check out the prices in the Safeway if you don't believe me. They are jumping up at rates approaching 20% here in the San Francisco Bay Area at Safeway stores. One item, beer, has now gone to $8.99 from $6.99 in less than 5 months. Boca Burgers have gone from $3.49 for 4 to $3.99 when on sale to $4.39 when not on sale. They have already made decision at the top of the corporate ladder to raise prices in advance of the inflation rate increase so their profits don't suffer, just their customers who are captive consumers who have to eat. Dog and cat food is becoming more appealing every day but even those prices have gone from $4.99 a bag to $9.99 a bag. An increase of 100% ! Please do your research more carefully and don't listen to people who peg inflation to oil prices. They are lying.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 14:42:10

Arianna Discusses Obama's Leadership on Charlie Rose
Just 40 days ago Obama was threatening to cut off all support for progressive legislators who wanted to show their disgust for burning even more money for Iraq and Afghanistan by voting against appropriations. He was not going to campaign for them and I guess brand them as lilly livered liberals. A big win for the defense industry to sell guns and ammo and support to perpetuate the killing by both sides and the prospect of promoting eternal revenge on all sides as in the 900 plus years of the Middle East blood bath. And now he cozy's up to Southern Democrats and Republicans of all stripes and ignores 78% of the population plus the majorities in both "deliberative bodies" and again sides with the profiteers in the health industry. And close by are sweet giveaways to suited criminals and yes men of Wall Street. And while we are at it let's give a boatload of cash directly to car dealers through a "clunker" program. And then how about expanding farm subsides for tobacco farmers not to grow tobacco so that they can maintain their position in elite society and not have to do anything at all for it. But don't give amnesty for student loans. And don't press Uncle Bernie Madoff about where 65 billion dollars went. (I bet he would cave with waterboarding...) This is what the outcome of 500 plus million dollars pocketed in the Denver Convention has come to.
posted Aug 21, 2009 at 11:19:58

Dionne: When The President Is Black, The Guns Come Out
Is this a stunt comment?
posted Aug 20, 2009 at 11:44:17

Jon Stewart Gives Props To Barney Frank (VIDEO)
"Wooden Ships" CSN "Have you seen any of those purple berries? ...Hav'n't got sick once, probably keep us both alive"
posted Aug 20, 2009 at 11:33:34

Jon Stewart Gives Props To Barney Frank (VIDEO)
This is no country for old men.
posted Aug 20, 2009 at 11:26:24

The Terminator is Back
Obviously, my dear, he doesn't give a damn !
posted Aug 19, 2009 at 20:18:17

"Resistance Efforts," Guns and the Constitution
Name the states and state the conditions or stuff it.--liar! Or are these the Balkan states? Are you considering becoming an American? Ummm... indeed!
posted Aug 19, 2009 at 18:17:15

"Resistance Efforts," Guns and the Constitution
This is exactly how we destabilize other countries. We give guns to conservatives and they become warlords and threaten and kill the producers in the society, burn their homes, and burn the olive trees. Now thanks to AZ, TX, and FL the disease of violence spreads and my country goes down in flames. All because of ignorance and genetic decay.
posted Aug 19, 2009 at 15:09:01

Stand Up, Max Baucus
It is really good to hear from you on this matter sir. You are channeling Jack Bauer and it is wonderful to hear you in this debate and inferring that Reed, Pelosi, et. al. show without doubt where they stand and demand that the majority be respected; and by all means take the gloves off and stop dressing in buttons and bows and rid us of these scoundrels Grassley and Baucus without further delay.
posted Aug 18, 2009 at 15:23:15

What's Wrong With American Medicine?
I have been with you for the entire journey since "The Natural Mind" Dr. Weil, having extolled your total approach to rational health care right here in these pages. With your work and that of Karen Sanders, Depak Chopra, and even Jamie Lee Curtis, I have been able to escape from the clutches of generally ineffective and decidedly toxic conventional drug care and have emerged into a personal space of strong robust health. For far too long, jejunely credulous Americans have fallen prey to the same marketing of tobacco and medicine with similar destructive results. Important areas of holistic dentistry and holistic medicine have been pushed to the fringes so that the toxic peddlers can continue to mislead their audiences while promoting irresponsible and irreversible courses of drugs which increase maladies on the long term for unrealistic short term and often disastrous short term "miracle cures". The sheer lunatic madness of modern day drug therapies can be seen right out in the open with the disclaimers which are routinely broadcast along with the commercials including "deaths" and "heart attacks". As long as legitimate herbal cures and healthy eating and recreation are ridiculed and often censored the public will continue to be exploited; ripe to be shot in a barrel like fish. Health insurers and conventional MD's aided by greedy litigators are all it takes to rig the system. Obama seems content to let this continue. Quite disturbing.
posted Aug 18, 2009 at 15:02:54

Three Reasons We Need an Economic Wake Up Call
Wanna get some of that giddus you will have to pull weeds and know your way around a leaf blower.
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 13:08:34

Three Reasons We Need an Economic Wake Up Call
My take? Rationing Coupons for Thanksgiving, breadlines for Christmas. Martial Law by St. Patrick's Day
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 12:36:20

Michael Jackson: Beyond Great
a little too frequently I might add...
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:51:22

Obama On Track To Break Records With Congressional Support
And the conclusion is: Democrats need the money!
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:36:03

Huffington Post Blogger Shannyn Moore in Palin's Cross Hairs (UPDATED - Press Conference in Anchorage)
A tempest in a teapot, I say.
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:15:53

Peter King: Michael Jackson A 'Pervert' And 'Low-Life' (VIDEO)
You are not alone.
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:11:07

150 Years for Madoff?
15o years is OK with me as long as we don't have to keep the bugger alive for that long.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 18:20:27

Michael Jackson: Beyond Great
Second that. Junk food for the hordes. Loaves and fishes for his fans. Crucified for his actions.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 18:12:09

Biden Ignores Warnings Of Krugman, Stiglitz, Roubini And Others
don't laugh there are a "host" of these who bought the Brooklyn Bridge.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 16:48:19

Biden Ignores Warnings Of Krugman, Stiglitz, Roubini And Others
The handwriting was on the wall but it was covered over with graffiti.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 16:44:17
Member Since October 2008
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apolloguide's Comments (439)
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Sunday Roundup
Gee kiddo you actually believe they didn't??? and directed by jack abramoff! As Barney Frank would say "What planet are you currently living on???"
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 21:02:21

The Road Ahead for Michael Vick
...with his tongue
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 18:02:39

The Road Ahead for Michael Vick
When rich football players start fighting homeless people in pit rings rings on chains then maybe, MAYBE, the world will work out its demons but I doubt it. Bring back the gladiators. Let Vick fight a lion bare handed. Let's get totally Roman! Seriously though I really appreciate your bringing the facts into the light. It is a shame that your post got so little sensible and serious treatment. Your ASPCA group was completely right in setting the record straight on this inhuman brute aberration. People who do this are human beings in the clinical sense only and do not deserve to walk freely alongside the rest of us. Thank you sir. Send all dog fighters to jail for a minimum of 10 years hard labor at the Parchment Farm.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 16:13:30

Michael Vick: Black Sheep or Scapegoat on Animal Rights?
Michael Vick killed dogs to make money by illegal activity. If he had been hungry, it would have been justified. He has never needed the money or the food so he should not be given any breaks. Kim Basinger was right to book a flight out of this relationship. Read some Chomsky Alec, or Joe Lieberman will clean your clock. There is nothing to make anyone believe that Vick has any subtlety or sincerity regarding animals. He had his 15 minutes on the world stage and now is rich. He needs to summon some grace and go gently into the night and keep his nose clean.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 15:40:00

Should You Get Your Drug Information From An Actor?
If your dad has any indications for blocked arteries or has any indications at all of high blood pressure this inhaler could bring about a stroke. Inhalers are very, very, dangerous short term miracle cures which have dangerous addictive side effects. Most people who start to use them can never stop and have to use them more and more frequently. Find another way to fix dad. The inhaler will finish him off prematurely.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 15:29:47

Millions Face Shrinking Social Security Payments
The "facts" in this article are stunningly incorrect. Inflation has increased dramatically. Just check out the prices in the Safeway if you don't believe me. They are jumping up at rates approaching 20% here in the San Francisco Bay Area at Safeway stores. One item, beer, has now gone to $8.99 from $6.99 in less than 5 months. Boca Burgers have gone from $3.49 for 4 to $3.99 when on sale to $4.39 when not on sale. They have already made decision at the top of the corporate ladder to raise prices in advance of the inflation rate increase so their profits don't suffer, just their customers who are captive consumers who have to eat. Dog and cat food is becoming more appealing every day but even those prices have gone from $4.99 a bag to $9.99 a bag. An increase of 100% ! Please do your research more carefully and don't listen to people who peg inflation to oil prices. They are lying.
posted Aug 23, 2009 at 14:42:10

Arianna Discusses Obama's Leadership on Charlie Rose
Just 40 days ago Obama was threatening to cut off all support for progressive legislators who wanted to show their disgust for burning even more money for Iraq and Afghanistan by voting against appropriations. He was not going to campaign for them and I guess brand them as lilly livered liberals. A big win for the defense industry to sell guns and ammo and support to perpetuate the killing by both sides and the prospect of promoting eternal revenge on all sides as in the 900 plus years of the Middle East blood bath. And now he cozy's up to Southern Democrats and Republicans of all stripes and ignores 78% of the population plus the majorities in both "deliberative bodies" and again sides with the profiteers in the health industry. And close by are sweet giveaways to suited criminals and yes men of Wall Street. And while we are at it let's give a boatload of cash directly to car dealers through a "clunker" program. And then how about expanding farm subsides for tobacco farmers not to grow tobacco so that they can maintain their position in elite society and not have to do anything at all for it. But don't give amnesty for student loans. And don't press Uncle Bernie Madoff about where 65 billion dollars went. (I bet he would cave with waterboarding...) This is what the outcome of 500 plus million dollars pocketed in the Denver Convention has come to.
posted Aug 21, 2009 at 11:19:58

Dionne: When The President Is Black, The Guns Come Out
Is this a stunt comment?
posted Aug 20, 2009 at 11:44:17

Jon Stewart Gives Props To Barney Frank (VIDEO)
"Wooden Ships" CSN "Have you seen any of those purple berries? ...Hav'n't got sick once, probably keep us both alive"
posted Aug 20, 2009 at 11:33:34

Jon Stewart Gives Props To Barney Frank (VIDEO)
This is no country for old men.
posted Aug 20, 2009 at 11:26:24

The Terminator is Back
Obviously, my dear, he doesn't give a damn !
posted Aug 19, 2009 at 20:18:17

"Resistance Efforts," Guns and the Constitution
Name the states and state the conditions or stuff it.--liar! Or are these the Balkan states? Are you considering becoming an American? Ummm... indeed!
posted Aug 19, 2009 at 18:17:15

"Resistance Efforts," Guns and the Constitution
This is exactly how we destabilize other countries. We give guns to conservatives and they become warlords and threaten and kill the producers in the society, burn their homes, and burn the olive trees. Now thanks to AZ, TX, and FL the disease of violence spreads and my country goes down in flames. All because of ignorance and genetic decay.
posted Aug 19, 2009 at 15:09:01

Stand Up, Max Baucus
It is really good to hear from you on this matter sir. You are channeling Jack Bauer and it is wonderful to hear you in this debate and inferring that Reed, Pelosi, et. al. show without doubt where they stand and demand that the majority be respected; and by all means take the gloves off and stop dressing in buttons and bows and rid us of these scoundrels Grassley and Baucus without further delay.
posted Aug 18, 2009 at 15:23:15

What's Wrong With American Medicine?
I have been with you for the entire journey since "The Natural Mind" Dr. Weil, having extolled your total approach to rational health care right here in these pages. With your work and that of Karen Sanders, Depak Chopra, and even Jamie Lee Curtis, I have been able to escape from the clutches of generally ineffective and decidedly toxic conventional drug care and have emerged into a personal space of strong robust health. For far too long, jejunely credulous Americans have fallen prey to the same marketing of tobacco and medicine with similar destructive results. Important areas of holistic dentistry and holistic medicine have been pushed to the fringes so that the toxic peddlers can continue to mislead their audiences while promoting irresponsible and irreversible courses of drugs which increase maladies on the long term for unrealistic short term and often disastrous short term "miracle cures". The sheer lunatic madness of modern day drug therapies can be seen right out in the open with the disclaimers which are routinely broadcast along with the commercials including "deaths" and "heart attacks". As long as legitimate herbal cures and healthy eating and recreation are ridiculed and often censored the public will continue to be exploited; ripe to be shot in a barrel like fish. Health insurers and conventional MD's aided by greedy litigators are all it takes to rig the system. Obama seems content to let this continue. Quite disturbing.
posted Aug 18, 2009 at 15:02:54

Three Reasons We Need an Economic Wake Up Call
Wanna get some of that giddus you will have to pull weeds and know your way around a leaf blower.
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 13:08:34

Three Reasons We Need an Economic Wake Up Call
My take? Rationing Coupons for Thanksgiving, breadlines for Christmas. Martial Law by St. Patrick's Day
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 12:36:20

Michael Jackson: Beyond Great
a little too frequently I might add...
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:51:22

Obama On Track To Break Records With Congressional Support
And the conclusion is: Democrats need the money!
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:36:03

Huffington Post Blogger Shannyn Moore in Palin's Cross Hairs (UPDATED - Press Conference in Anchorage)
A tempest in a teapot, I say.
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:15:53

Peter King: Michael Jackson A 'Pervert' And 'Low-Life' (VIDEO)
You are not alone.
posted Jul 06, 2009 at 10:11:07

150 Years for Madoff?
15o years is OK with me as long as we don't have to keep the bugger alive for that long.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 18:20:27

Michael Jackson: Beyond Great
Second that. Junk food for the hordes. Loaves and fishes for his fans. Crucified for his actions.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 18:12:09

Biden Ignores Warnings Of Krugman, Stiglitz, Roubini And Others
don't laugh there are a "host" of these who bought the Brooklyn Bridge.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 16:48:19

Biden Ignores Warnings Of Krugman, Stiglitz, Roubini And Others
The handwriting was on the wall but it was covered over with graffiti.
posted Jul 05, 2009 at 16:44:17

Monday, July 06, 2009

from chris floyd

"Yet it is certain that no one in the upper reaches of the American power structure will note -- or even recognize -- the howling illogic of Biden's position. Why should they? It is their own underlying, animating principle, the very air they breathe: whatever We and Ours do is good, is true, is right, is righteous.

"If We torture, it is good; in fact, it's not even torture. If We invade other countries without provocation, it's not aggression; it's liberation. If We kill innocent people to further Our political agenda, it's not terrorism; it's heroism, it's a "defense of the realm," of "our way of life." If We and Ours openly call and plan for "regime change" in other countries, those countries have no right to feel threatened; they should simply fall into line with Our wishes. This, again, is the unquestioned and apparently unquestionable core assumption of the American political, corporate and business classes."

Letter from an Israeli Jail
By Cynthia McKinney

This is Cynthia McKinney and I'm speaking from an Israeli prison cellblock in Ramle. [I am one of] the Free Gaza 21, human rights activists currently imprisoned for trying to take medical supplies to Gaza, building supplies - and even crayons for children, I had a suitcase full of crayons for children. While we were on our way to Gaza the Israelis threatened to fire on our boat, but we did not turn around. The Israelis high-jacked and arrested us because we wanted to give crayons to the children in Gaza. We have been detained, and we want the people of the world to see how we have been treated just because we wanted to deliver humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.

At the outbreak of Israel's Operation `Cast Lead' [in December 2008], I boarded a Free Gaza boat with one day's notice and tried, as the US representative in a multi-national delegation, to deliver 3 tons of medical supplies to an already besieged and ravaged Gaza.

During Operation Cast Lead, U.S.-supplied F-16's rained hellfire on a trapped people. Ethnic cleansing became full scale outright genocide. U.S.-supplied white phosphorus, depleted uranium, robotic technology, DIME weapons, and cluster bombs - new weapons creating injuries never treated before by Jordanian and Norwegian doctors. I was later told by doctors who were there in Gaza during Israel's onslaught that Gaza had become Israel's veritable weapons testing laboratory, people used to test and improve the kill ratio of their weapons.

The world saw Israel's despicable violence thanks to al-Jazeera Arabic and Press TV that broadcast in English. I saw those broadcasts live and around the clock, not from the USA but from Lebanon, where my first attempt to get into Gaza had ended because the Israeli military rammed the boat I was on in international water ... It's a miracle that I'm even here to write about my second encounter with the Israeli military, again a humanitarian mission aborted by the Israeli military.

The Israeli authorities have tried to get us to confess that we committed a crime ... I am now known as Israeli prisoner number 88794. How can I be in prison for collecting crayons to kids?

Zionism has surely run out of its last legitimacy if this is what it does to people who believe so deeply in human rights for all that they put their own lives on the line for someone else's children. Israel is the fullest expression of Zionism, but if Israel fears for its security because Gaza's children have crayons then not only has Israel lost its last shred of legitimacy, but Israel must be declared a failed state.

I am facing deportation from the state that brought me here at gunpoint after commandeering our boat. I was brought to Israel against my will. I am being held in this prison because I had a dream that Gaza's children could color & paint, that Gaza's wounded could be healed, and that Gaza's bombed-out houses could be rebuilt.

But I've learned an interesting thing by being inside this prison. First of all, it's incredibly black: populated mostly by Ethiopians who also had a dream ... like my cellmates, one who is pregnant. They are all are in their twenties. They thought they were coming to the Holy Land. They had a dream that their lives would be better ... The once proud, never colonized Ethiopia [has been thrown into] the back pocket of the United States, and become a place of torture, rendition, and occupation. Ethiopians must free their country because superpower politics [have] become more important than human rights and self-determination.

My cellmates came to the Holy Land so they could be free from the exigencies of superpower politics. They committed no crime except to have a dream. They came to Israel because they thought that Israel held promise for them. Their journey to Israel through Sudan and Egypt was arduous. I can only imagine what it must have been like for them. And it wasn't cheap. Many of them represent their family's best collective efforts for self-fulfilment. They made their way to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. They got their yellow paper of identification. They got their certificate for police protection. They are refugees from tragedy, and they made it to Israel only after they arrived Israel told them "there is no UN in Israel."

The police here have license to pick them up & suck them into the black hole of a farce for a justice system. These beautiful, industrious and proud women represent the hopes of entire families. The idea of Israel tricked them and the rest of us. In a widely propagandized slick marketing campaign, Israel represented itself as a place of refuge and safety for the world's first Jews and Christian. I too believed that marketing and failed to look deeper.

The truth is that Israel lied to the world. Israel lied to the families of these young women. Israel lied to the women themselves who are now trapped in Ramle's detention facility. And what are we to do? One of my cellmates cried today. She has been here for 6 months. As an American, crying with them is not enough. The policy of the United States must be better, and while we watch President Obama give 12.8 trillion dollars to the financial elite of the United States it ought now be clear that hope, change, and `yes we can' were powerfully presented images of dignity and self-fulfilment, individually and nationally, that besieged people everywhere truly believed in.

It was a slick marketing campaign as slickly put to the world and to the voters of America as was Israel's marketing to the world. It tricked all of us but, more tragically, these young women.

We must cast an informed vote about better candidates seeking to represent us. I have read and re-read Dr. Martin Luther King Junior's letter from a Birmingham jail. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined that I too would one day have to do so. It is clear that taxpayers in Europe and the U.S. have a lot to atone for, for what they've done to others around the world.

What an irony! My son begins his law school program without me because I am in prison, in my own way trying to do my best, again, for other people's children. Forgive me, my son. I guess I'm experiencing the harsh reality which is why people need dreams. [But] I'm lucky. I will leave this place. Has Israel become the place where dreams die?

Ask the people of Palestine. Ask the stream of black and Asian men whom I see being processed at Ramle. Ask the women on my cellblock. [Ask yourself:] what are you willing to do?

Let's change the world together & reclaim what we all need as human beings: Dignity. I appeal to the United Nations to get these women of Ramle, who have done nothing wrong other than to believe in Israel as the guardian of the Holy Land, resettled in safe homes. I appeal to the United State's Department of State to include the plight of detained UNHCR-certified refugees in the Israel country report in its annual human rights report. I appeal once again to President Obama to go to Gaza: send your special envoy, George Mitchell there, and to engage Hamas as the elected choice of the Palestinian people.

I dedicate this message to those who struggle to achieve a free Palestine, and to the women I've met at Ramle. This is Cynthia McKinney, July 2nd 2009, also known as Ramle prisoner number 88794.

Cynthia McKinney is a former U.S. Congresswoman, Green Party presidential candidate, and an outspoken advocate for human rights and social justice. The first African-American woman to represent the state of Georgia, McKinney served six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, from 1993-2003, and from 2005-2007. She was arrested and forcibly abducted to Israel while attempting to take humanitarian and reconstruction supplies to Gaza on June 30th. For more information, please see


Report from the Kidnapped Passengers in Ramle Prison, July 4, 2009

On Monday, June 30, 21 passengers going to challenge the blockade of Gaza on board the Spirit of Humanity were seized by the Israeli Navy and taken to Israel against their will. All their equipment was taken and some of were roughed up. All were thrown into prison to await Israel's decision on how and when they would be deported.

The majority of the group ended up in Ramle Prison. Those of us who are Free Gaza organizers had been hearing some news from them, statements, interviews and letters since they arrived. From the first night, the Free Gaza 21 have been busy trying to get news out of the prison about the illegality of Israel's actions in relation to themselves and the other inmates inside Ramle Prison who have no voice.

Report from E: I received a 2am phone call during one of the first sleepless nights from Ramle Prison to let me know that in one of the cells, four of the FG group had been busy writing a press release on an old phone one of their cellmates had loaned them. It had taken them hours to write the press release. but they were just ready to send it out, and `could I check my email to see if I had received it?'
Since that first night I have been hearing more increasingly about the plight of the other inmates of the prison; men and women who have not nearly as good an opportunity as our folk for media coverage of their stories and not nearly as good an opportunity as our folk of ever getting out of Ramle Prison.

To Fathi Jaouadi, Adie Mormesh, Ishmael Blagrove, and Captain Denis Healy, the situation of their fellow inmates is something they want to talk about and act upon. Fathi wanted to pass on news of what they have been doing inside Ramle prison; he wanted to let everyone who supports the Free Gaza Movement know that `Free Gaza Members are never lost for things to do when it comes to trying to expose Israel's appalling treatment of not just Palestinians, but all people who come to Palestine and get caught up in Israel's abuse of justice and the law.'

Fathi Jaouadi has been actively involved in Palestinian rights since he was 15 years old. Now in Ramle prison, he has already managed to organize a meeting with a UN representative and to raise the issue of the other inmates with him. He said that the UN official has agreed to follow up on some of the cases; Fathi has also been in contact with local NGO's to raise the issue of many of the inmate's situations. He told me he wants to focus on the fact that none of the inmates have any access to legal advice or help, most of the inmates have not been able to contact family to let them know of their situation and none of the inmates have committed anything that warrants them to be held indefinitely inside Ramle prison.

Fathi is in the process of collecting statements from all the inmates, and he is translating them from Arabic. He says the majority of the inmates in their cell are from Arab countries, and they have not had access to their embassy officials. He will follow up with the UN and other organizations once he is released, contact all the families and give statements and details to the relevant embassies.

Ishmael Blagrove is a well-known documentary filmmaker and has been speaking extensively about the Palestinian struggle for more than twenty years. In Ramle prison, he has been working tirelessly to get contact with refugee councils and organizations in Britain to present to them the case of the refugees inside. He says that many of the men from neighbouring Arab countries just want to go home, they don't want to stay in Israel and yet they are not being given the opportunity to speak. Ishmael says that many of the inmates are entitled to legal representation, but they do not know this, nor do they have any idea how to contact any refugee organization to advise them. Ishmael is in the process of establishing links between the refugee councils in Britain and the inmates of his cell in Ramle Prison.

Fathi and Ishmael have already established channels to publish these issues in Britain on their release.

When we called Ramle Prison today Fathi said that Adie had just finished his daily English lesson with the inmates. Adie is reportedly very happy with the progress of his students and said this morning they had successfully completed an intense session on Past Participles. Adie Mormesh has also been very active for the rights of Palestinians for many years. He spent two weeks in the West Bank with the Olive Coop (Zeitoun) and Action Palestine in 2007. He worked with and documented the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction Campaign and participated in the World Social Forums for Palestine in Porto Alegre and Mumbai in 2003 and 2004. He has now become a teacher of English in Ramle prison.

Captain Denis Healey who has been the Free Gaza Movement's captain since October 2008 and bravely steered the DIGNITY to safety in December when she was attacked by the Israeli Navy at sea, has also been quite busy; he has been giving in-depth lectures to his fellow inmates about life at sea. Apparently there are many interested parties amongst the inmates; some hope that they may pursue a life on the sea when (and sadly if) they ever get out. They are full of questions as to the procedure of getting qualified to work on and sail boats in the Mediterranean, and Captain Denis is giving them a good run down on what they should do to follow such a dream.

This is how four of our passengers have been keeping busy during the past week, they wanted to let you all know; they also said they realize the news they are sending out is not new to any of us. We have all been working with these issues of injustice for years. But that doesn't mean that every new story about the violation of human rights, about the cruelty, brutality and flagrant misuse of justice by Israel should not be published.

Our friends are stuck in Ramle prison, because they tried to visit the war-stricken people of Gaza, and they are furious at what they are seeing. They know they have generated media interest around the world, and that sooner or later, they will leave Ramle Prison, but they also know that the other inmates of the prison have no such privilege, and without our interest in them, they could well be stuck inside Ramle prison for the rest of their lives, or exiled to some foreign country that is not their home, facing a life without family or loved ones to share it with. And so it is for the 11,000 Palestinian prisoners at present inside Israeli jails. Every one of them has a story that ought to be heard.

Statement #1 taken by Fathi Jaouadi.

From Ramle Prison, 3rd July 2009.

My name is M.

I am 26 years old.

I am a Palestinian born in Al Quds and I hold a birth certificate showing this. My family comes from a village called Sour Bahr.
We have two houses there owned by my grandfather who fled in '48 to Jordan and left the houses with my Aunt.

When I was 5 years old I went with my family to Jordan to bring back the papers that proved our ownership of these two houses. We stayed in Jordan for 2 years and then, when we had all the papers we came back to Sour Bahr.

I lived all my life in one of the houses and some of my family lived in the other. We always used to make our way between our two houses which were only minutes apart from each other.

However when the Wall was built, it split our two houses apart. It used to take minutes and then it took 4 ½ hours to go from house to house.

The house I lived in was in the West Bank, the other on the side of the Wall that is Al Quds.

When I was 16 I began the process to try and obtain Israeli ID so that I could continue to enter Al Quds and go to our house that was on the other side of the Wall.

Every day my mother would go to the Interior Ministry to try and obtain my ID. She contacted many lawyers about the case but although she worked on this for 8 years, there was no result. During this time I tried often to visit our house on the Al Quds side of the wall and every time I was caught by the Israeli forces and sent back to the West Bank.

When I was 24 years old I had a fight with a friend, I was caught by Israel during the fight and imprisoned for 1 ½ years.

I am a normal Palestinian trying to live a normal life. I am not involved in any political movement and I have no security issues with Israel. I am just trying to live my life, but when I had served my time in prison for fighting with a friend, Israel could not decide where to release me.

My birth certificate said Al Quds but I had no Israeli ID. When Israel started investigating, they discovered that when I was 5 years old I had gone with my family to Jordan for 2 years.

It was then that I was told by an Israeli judge that the Law states:
`Any Palestinian who spends 2 years outside Israel has no right to return'

I have since seen Judge twice in the past two months. and he has told me that I will be returned to Jordan.

But Jordan has refused to accept me. So now I have been told I will just have to wait in prison.

I am very depressed now and hate my life. I am afraid of how long they will make me wait. It could be years. I am afraid I will be sent to Jordan. I have no one in Jordan. I was there when I was 5 years old! All my family are in Palestine. I know if they send me to Jordan I will never be allowed back into Palestine. I will never be allowed to see my family again. And I have done nothing.

I just want to be allowed to live a simple life with my family and the people I know and love, in my own land.

Greta Berlin
Free Gaza Movement
357 99 284 102


Interview from a kidnapped passenger, Adie Mormech
Prison Cell, Givon Jail, Ramle, Israel

Adie Mormech, one of over 21 human rights workers and crew taken prisoner on Tuesday 30th June when their boat was forcibly boarded by the Israeli navy, has spoken by mobile phone from his prison cell at Givon jail, Ramle, near Tel Aviv.

Amongst the other prisoners from the Free Gaza Movement boat, Spirit of Humanity, are Nobel Peace prize winner, Mairead Maguire, and former US Congresswoman, Cythnia McKinney. A message from McKinney on 2nd July condemned Israel for its "illegal" action in "dismantl[ing] our navigation equipment" and confiscating both the ship and its cargo of medical aid, childrens' toys and olive trees.

McKinney went on to say that "State Department and White House officials have not effected our release or taken a strong public stance to condemn the illegal actions of the Israeli Navy of enforcing a blockade of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians of Gaza, a blockade that has been condemned by President Obama."
The Free Gaza campaign succeeded in entering Gaza by sea on several occasions in 2008, carrying humanitarian aid, medical personnel, journalists and human rights workers. However, later attempts have been met with aggression by the Israeli navy, with one boat, the Dignity, having to seek refuge and repairs in Lebanon after being rammed three times by an Israeli warship.

In a brief interview with Andy Bowman of Manchester's Mule newspaper (http//, Mr Mormech gave the following account:
How are you being treated?

It's bad, but the conditions are OK for me, I've not been beaten up, they're a bit nasty sometimes and when they boarded the boat we had our faces slammed against the floor. It was bad for the older women like Mairead.

The four other UK nationals are in the cell with me. There's 14 of us in the 7 by 7 meter cell which includes the toilet and shower, so very crowded. It's very hot and there's only a tiny window. We get awakened at 6 in the morning for an inspection and have to stand to attention, and then they repeat that at 9 am, and we are only allowed out of the cells for a few hours each day. They keep giving us forms to sign but they are in Hebrew so we don't. Although I'm able to cope here, other people are less comfortable than me in the situation. If we're here for a long time – like some of the other people in here have been – then it will be tough.

Have you had access to a lawyer yet?

We have, and at the moment we're discussing what to do about our deportation. They've taken our personal items – laptops, cameras, phones and many other valuables, and we want to find out where these are. They obviously want to deport us as quickly as possible, but some of us are thinking about fighting the deportation. Firstly on the basis that if we get deported we won't be allowed into the occupied West Bank or Israel for another 10 years, but also, because we didn't intend to come here to Israel – we intended to go to Gaza, and went directly from international waters into Palestinian waters. There is nothing legal about what Israel has done to us grabbing us like this. We're considering fighting the deportation on the grounds that we shouldn't accept and legitimize this barbaric military blockade of Gaza.

If you challenge the deportation could you remain in prison for a while longer?

Yes we could – there's some people that need to get home, but some will challenge. And for those it will be a few more weeks in prison at least, we expect.

And you?

I'm veering towards challenging it on the basis that it's a scar on my name to accept that I shouldn't have been here, but in fact I have every right to go to Gaza just as everyone else does. That's the whole point of these voyages and that's the principle we want to stick to.

Have they told you what has happened to the cargo of the boat?

No, we don't know what they're doing with it. We've been told a lot of lies so far about where we're going and what's happening to us, so we just don't know. They're already prepared to deprive the people of Gaza of a lot of aid anyway.

What is your message to people back in the UK?

This is not about us here in the cells, it's about the denial of human rights to the people of Palestine, and in particular the inhumane blockade of Gaza. People must not forget about what is happening to Gaza. At the moment they are even being denied food and medical supplies. After the carnage of the 1500 people killed in January, we won't forget and we'll keep on going and keep fighting for the human rights of the people of Palestine.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Human Amway Plot? More chain letters from Israel?

Isracard Threatens Gush Shalom with Lawsuit

The ad published in Haaretz by Gush Shalom on June 12 created a firestorm:
ISRACARD sends its clients
Holiday gift vouchers for
“A day of fun”
For “the entire family”.

In the "City of David Park"
Run by “Elad”.

Elad is an organization
Of extreme rightwing settlers
Whose aim is “to Judaize Jerusalem."
Its members live in the heart of Silwan
In the homes from which
Palestinian families
Were removed.

You can reach Isracard by fax 03-6364262

Help to pay for our activities and ads
By sending checks to
Gush Shalom, P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033,
Gush Shalom 972-3-5221732

Now the Isracard Company has threatened to sue Gush Shalom Company Directors

Gush Shalom says Isracard violated basic norms by promoting extreme right settlers. Isracard also implicated “Mastercard” in International Law violations.

The credit card company “Isracard” reacted sharply to the public protest initiatedby Gush Shalom. This morning Gush Shalom spokesperson Adam Keller received an angry fax from Ayala Tidhar and Orit Hangali of the Isracard Marketing & Foreign Relations Section, who complained that, “The activities of Gush Shalom is causing us great damage.” Rani Rahav, the Isracard public relations director, phoned Keller and threatened to sue Gush Shalom. All this followed upon the public protest,in Israel and abroad, against Isracard sending to its customers a gift coupon for‘a family outing’ at the ‘City of David National Park’ which is run by extreme right settlers in East Jerusalem.

“It is a bit surprising to hear that we are supposedly ‘causing great damage’to the Isracard Company “ said Adam Keller. “How come one e-mail message to our list of supporters would cause so much damage to one of the biggest companies in the Israeli economy? It would be good for them to consider if the damage was caused by us, or perhaps by the truth about them which we have uncovered.”

In its answer to the Isracard Company, Gush Shalom stated: “Indeed, the site known as ‘The City of David National Park’, just outside the Old City of Jerusalem,officially belongs to the National Reserves and Parks Authority, a supposedly neutral body. But this is in no way enough to whitewash Isracard’s involvement with the place. It is well known that the administration of the place in practice has been transferred to the settler association Elad – a body which has a clear political and ideological identity on the extreme right side of the spectrum.The Elad people are openly and explicitly promoting the aim of “Judaizing (East)Jerusalem” – not simply by talking but also by constant and intensive activity,creating ‘facts on the ground’, dispossessing Palestinian inhabitants andviolating International Law.

Isracard cannot wash its hands of the nefarious settler activity by claiming that this is ‘a governmental site.’ In Israel, as in many other countries, acompany must tell consumers what is the nature of the product or service which it is offering for sale. Isracard is not at liberty to offer its customers ‘entertainment for the entire family’ at a park run by extreme right people, without disclosingthat, once arriving there, the customers would be exposed to extreme right propaganda.

If Isracard goes through with the threat of judicial proceedings against us we won’t be afraid. We have available plenty of testimonies and witnesses regarding the ‘City of David National Park’ – what it is, who runs it and how,what kind of ‘guidance’ is given to visitors and what is the political slant of that ‘guidance’.
The gift coupon sent by Isracard to its customers includes the name and logo of MasterCard, an international company conducting world-wide business. Despite their extensive and long-standing business relationship, Isracard did not bother to let MasterCard know of the use made of its name and reputation in promoting extremist settlers who violate International Law. We in Gush Shalom decided to fill the vacancy and inform the MasterCard directors, with the help of our friends abroad.

Meanwhile, there is a continuing wave of protest messages sent by Israeli peace activists to the Isracard offices and by Americans and Europeans to MasterCard.

Adam Keller, Gush Shalom Spokesperson, +972-506-709603


Friday, May 01, 2009


We are missing a big opportunity here to understand the reason why torture was used. Fear. Not fear instilled in the unfortunate Arabs, but fear to be introduced in the citizens right here in America. These methods are increasingly used on American citizens caught by legitimate law enforcement enforcing stupid laws against demonstrations, pot smoking, going nude, etc. Just in the last week a young man was tased repeatedly for walking naked at a new age festival. Three big fat armored city cops tortured the man with repeated taserings for more than 10 minutes. If he doesn't have permanent cardiac damage from the brutal treatment including tasering him over his HEART again and again when he was perfectly docile, he has to be Clark Kent. 

Although it was very hard to watch the video; --the hardest part was watching the crowd of 90 or more record it with their cell phones and cameras but NOT find courage to take on and subdue the thoroughly monstrous cops. In our hearts we are wimps. In 1776 the reaction would be different. We are gutless here in our 233rd year.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

He has to stop smoking; it is robbing his brain of oxygen and he needs all of his beautiful brain to heal the country through prosecution of the Bush Administration. 

Proceed with the prosecutions but don't expect satisfaction...

Actually they violated American US Codes on torture as well as international accords and laws. The reporter who asked the question only mentioned international law and framed the question as "the rest of the world against the US policy" completely leaving out that US Code is involved allowing Obama some weaseling and wiggling room. The only response to the question framed truly would have elicited the response that he (Obama) would require Holder to follow the law and draw up warrants and arrest Bybee and Haynes and Cheney immediately. The law is fairly clear that they conspired to break US War Crimes Law. Everyone in the room when these things were discussed was conspiring.

They appear they might be guilty. For those of us who want to wheel out the guillotine, it seems as if death penalties for the higher-ups are ruled out with the parenthetical expression "(other than the penalty of death)" as well as giving the conspirators a completely flexible length of sentence: "...for any term of years or for life." What a loophole for the favored elite conspirators among us! The guy ordered to torture who actually kills someone in the process gets death. The man who ordered him to do it (or "conspired") could get off scott free (or with a $1 fine) or walk away after some minimum security dalliance with a Libby style sentence.

Considering the lightness of these sentences overall it would seem sensible to go on with prosecutions under the US Code 2340A in Federal 4th District Court where the fix is always in:


18 U.S.C. § 2340A
§ 2340A. Torture
As used in this chapter--
(a) Offense. Whoever outside the United States commits
or attempts to commit torture shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both, and if
death results to any person from conduct prohibited by
this subsection, shall be punished by death or imprisoned
for any term of years or for life.
(b) Jurisdiction. There is jurisdiction over the activity
prohibited in subsection (a) if--
(1) the alleged offender is a national of the United
States; or
(2) the alleged offender is present in the United
States, irrespective of the nationality of the victim or
alleged offender.
(c) Conspiracy. A person who conspires to commit an
offense under this section shall be subject to the same
penalties (other than the penalty of death) as the
penalties prescribed for the offense, the commission of
which was the object of the conspiracy.

michael jordan

The US torture codes are here:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu and the Progressives

I'm convinced that MSNBC is not left wing spin. It is instead faux left wing drivel treated seriously, at least when it comes to spinning the huge immigration problem with Mexico and points south. It is especially galling to have Keith Olbermann take the lure of soft-balling the effect of the illegals and their border jumping on the flu epidemic/pandemic by promoting the absurd notion that the flu was spread by school children on a trip to Cancun from New York. I am a northern Californian and got this flu at Christmas and it is still lingering now over 4 months later after treatment at the VA. The person I got it from taught at a Hispanic magnet public school and the entire faculty got it back in October of 2008. 75% of the students there are Hispanic elementary and many are illegals hiding out and have illegals hiding out at their residences. They travel to Mexico and points south each time there is any holiday or vacation. For Olbermann to dismiss these facts as "racism" is knee jerk faux-progressive baloney.  

California is going to go to 160 million in the next 20 years and the deleterious public health effects of people who refuse to use birth control is the direct cause of it. Women of child bearing age in the baby factories of geographic south countries must be encouraged to take birth control and use it. You cannot find anyone discussing Zero Population Growth on any of these networks. They all avoid the real issues and reinforce the popular illusions which keep people ineffective, and in disease and poverty. Olbermann seems like a smart guy he just appears to have suspended his logical cause and effect scientific thinking on this issue and his competition at CNN is scooping him. Better to drop the religion and get back to the facts Keith.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I have been away...

Schumer Plans Bill On Resale Of Concert, Sports Tickets

Anything to take the attention away from his Gaza Holocaust support.

Ezra Merkin Charged With Fraud

Talmudic orthodoxy strikes again.

Obama Notre Dame Speech: Cardinal George Rips Invitation As An 'Extreme Embarrassment' To Catholics (VIDEO)

It is the religion which is an embarrassment, not the people whom it dupes. And not just this religion but every single one of them. We need to achieve a post religionist society where Football is king once again on Sunday and Saturday, and people are too busy doing good works to waste time on their knees six times a day. Wake up primitive cultures of the world and toss off your chains of GOD. Be free to think.

Norm Coleman's a Sore Loser, Why Won't The Press Say So?

Harry "Sluggo" Reid is blocking Franken being seated and should be run out of Washington for being a toad.

Marijuana No Laughing Matter, Mr. President

Incarceration expense exceeds $35,000 dollars per detainee per year. Ruined lives for giggles. Now there is absurdity of scale for you.

Marijuana No Laughing Matter, Mr. President

You really do look on the bright side of life. I like that.

Marijuana No Laughing Matter, Mr. President

You are really uninformed to suggest that the military which runs on illegal drugs would attack Obama because he advocated MJ legalization. That is the most absurd notion I have heard this afternoon.

Marijuana No Laughing Matter, Mr. President

I'm thinking that the reason Obama likes Lincoln rather than Washington is that George Washington grew pot for smoking and BHO is playing safe. What a meatball position to take.

Marijuana No Laughing Matter, Mr. President

He is the president. 70% of the population sees nothing wrong with pot. That is the political capital he will LOSE if he continues on this reckless path to prevent legalization of MJ. The only opposition of substance to this substance being legalized is specifically the illegal drug trade which wants it to remain illegal. They don't even vote. Obama loses nothing by embracing legalization except the brain-dead starch-diet Midwestern minority who couldn't think clearly if their freedom depended upon it. Face this squarely: The economy does not improve no matter what they try because it is based upon military expenditures to assist the empire in conquering the world. Doomed to failure. Give me some legal pot to ease the pain of centuries of mismanagement and stop plugging the rightwing madness.

Andrew Sullivan: Obama's Pot Answer "Pathetic"

Cuban Cigars and Acapulco Gold deserve to be right alongside everything else in the corner liquor store. This is just the same kowtowing to the loud and threatening Christian minority which stifles progress. We must learn to stand up to these bleeding heart conservatives.

Reid: Justice Roberts Lied To Us

So Harry has been lied to...well, well, Sluggo! I would certainly like to know what YOU said when you said you were going to LEAD the Democrats in the Senate and they put you into this position which you have disgraced every single day you have been in charge. You and Nancy need to step down and let a few real democrats take the helm. Sen. Jim Webb would be nice to replace you and how about Rep. Barney Frank for Nancy's disgraced position? And for heavens sake we don't need moderates,-- we need progressives in the Supreme Court on the order of William O' Douglas. Real men and women! Please stop sucking up to the Republican money changers in the temple of power and get a back bone !!!!!!!!!

Andrew Sullivan: Obama's Pot Answer "Pathetic"

Answering the question in the affirmative to legalize it would have been the proper response by the president. Having Robb Gibbs say a few hours later that Obama does not favor legalization indicates that he is weaseling again from the campaign position and he is moving even further to the right. He told McCain that essentially he could chew gum, smoke and walk at the same time. He needs to get back to that position post haste. A lot of us are starting to feel betrayed and have been waiting since 1937 to have this silly pot law reversed. The "ultra conservative right wing" you note is opposing him on anything he proposes, so an economically fortunate reversal of outdated pot law baloney is a good thing which would have the added benefit of giving him even more points in his current 63% approval rating and would lessen the depression in the street both financially and spiritually, marginalize hard drugs even further to the edges of society, and provide a basis for a trusting dialog regarding where Obama is taking the country. The legalization of pot is a valid economic avenue and needs to get more traction and respect than some are willing to allow. Light(en) up...elsie

Chris Dodd's Fortune Interview: "I'm Trying To Save Capitalism"

A clean slate is the best plan.

Chris Dodd's Fortune Interview: "I'm Trying To Save Capitalism"

Harry Reid says what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas...

Andrew Sullivan: Obama's Pot Answer "Pathetic"

More important than the economy? More important than sending troops to the border? More important than ruining lives with laws designed to create victims where there were none before? More important than spending money to prevent people from getting medicine they need?

Reid Knocks Liberals -- And "Centrists"

Harry "Sluggo" Reid is a traitor to the cause of Democrats and should be immediately removed as leader of the Senate. He is working night and day to prevent the most progressive elements of the Obama budget from moving forward. He stalled and prevented the impeachment of Bush along with Pelosi and for that obstructionism he should be removed. He is a darling of the gaming interests and uninterested in populist government. He is just pumping the Las Vegas organized crime machine by selling out to lukewarm GOP swill merchants and not allowing the filibuster process to work. Obama is going to have to get rid of both Nancy and Sluggo if he wants to get re-elected. We need strong Democratic leadership in the House and the Senate.

GOP Push Seen As Attack On Michelle Obama

Right... Michelle is the GOP's surrogate Hillary. If you are surprised you must be too young to be blogging here.

Obama Takes Pot Legalization Question During Townhall (VIDEO)

You are right but powerful elites in the legal professions and legal support are getting filthy rich solely because these victim creating laws make millionaires out of dirty lawyers, dirty judges, dirty politicians, dirty prison guard unions, dirty dealers, dirty smugglers, dirty probation officers, and dirty cops, and dirty private jail contractors. And then add on to that the the private and public militia elements in the United States and Mexico and their armies and national guards and you are talking about real money.

David Letterman: Top 10 Reasons I Got Married (VIDEO)

I like Letterman but in this whole affair, and especially the announcement that he was having a child, I have been hugely disappointed at Dave. He has never mentioned love or convenience or affection or responsibility or anything which motivates nice folks to marry or acknowledge their children. He has treated his wife terribly and carried on with other women on his show without regard for Ms. Lasko/Letterman's feelings. His silence on her for the five years of his son's life is shameful. We often see his mother on the show but never hear of his father. I would like to know what is the root cause of his unfeeling treatment of her for so long and how it fits in to the pattern of tacit abuse he has heaped upon her for so long. It has certainly gone beyond the need for privacy. I find this top 10 list unfunny. Does he really think this is some sort of macho display? Am I the only one who thinks like this? (moderator, please don't dump my post for taking a controversial position for I would like to hear the consensus views of the community) I need to know how far out of touch I am.

David Letterman Wedding Details Revealed

Stop thinking about divorce Julia Roberts...

Take the Steering Wheel out of Geithner's Hands

I don't think these government types want to do anything else than play the current gyrations in the stock market. The transparency is between their ears. And that includes the president.

Kucinich To Investigate "Executive Assassination Ring"

Thanks Dennis. What a great guy!

New York Times Defends Not Covering Chas Freeman Story

The Israel Lobby ended America. The creation of Israel was the ultimate anti semitic act. We have been on life support since May 15, 1948.

Obama Education Plan Speech: Stricter Standards, Charter Schools, Merit Pay

I;m having a Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush,Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush,Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, feeling about you and I think it is entirely out of place here. You need to find a conservative forum to spout these incendiary judgments on education. This is for adults, only!! Did you not see the sign at the door?

posted Mar 10, 2009 at 23:13:08

Obama Education Plan Speech: Stricter Standards, Charter Schools, Merit Pay

You need to get out more! and learn how to relate hon!! For poor public school students ...normal students confused by their parents racial animosities being lived out in their lives. Being encouraged to fight their way out of the Iron Triangle in Richmond, CA. Race war. Mean (really mean) cops. Homicides all the time. Drug wars in the neighborhood, drive-bys. More than a K-3 Special Ed Student can possibly be expected to comprehend. Grow up fast. Get tough. Feel bad when you overstep your toughness and hurt somebody. Wounds take a long time to heal. There is that bully who hits you all the time and looks for you on the playground, sits behind you and kicks your chair...Dad loses his job and beats you and you start to withdraw into a place you will never leave...Teacher asks you about the bruise and is required to bring it to the child protective when Dad gets mad he talks about the teacher and draws you into the spiral of hatred...things get worse...until Dad leaves go to prison... Then an embarrassed single mom emerges and attacks the school when she is actually scared to death over her prospects. I got a lot more, --can you handle it??

posted Mar 10, 2009 at 19:52:55

Obama Education Plan Speech: Stricter Standards, Charter Schools, Merit Pay

Obama If you think teaching is so easy, try it: You wake up at 5 in the morning, work on administrative chores until you catch the bus at 6:30am, arrive at school, pick up the lunches, then get the kids off the bus and in their seats by 9:00Am to lead the pledge under a picture of the President. Then it is teachable moments in block time and always an extra meeting to squeeze in so you always miss your 20 minute lunch. and then kids are on the bus or waiting in your classroom after class ends at 2:40 and it is 3PM before you have time to go to the bathroom. You are used to this however and never drink water during the day. Dehydration and kidney stones down the road for you but you don't have time now to worry because there is a teacher's meeting until 3:30PM and a parent is coming by for a visit. You finally get a bus back home miss one connection but make another and wolf down some food and it is 6:45PM. Then it is grade papers, post benchmarks to the database and develop a powerpoint presentation for the Easter/Spring program. It is now time for the 10 o'clock news and then Letterman and hope you are able to fall asleep within the hour because it starts again at 5AM. It has been this way for over 20 years. Public school. Down and dirty.

posted Mar 10, 2009 at 17:00:07

Geithner Briefs Dems: "We're Doing In Weeks What Countries Did In Years"

The son of "shovel ready" ...this "stool leg" metaphor is really getting shopworn and seems to suggest symbolically that they are all ready to sit down instead of hustle. Don't any of these people read George Lakoff?

posted Mar 10, 2009 at 14:54:09

Tim Geithner, CNBC, and the Second Coming of Known Unknowns

Nationalizing the banks permanently, just benefits'll never happen, --or at least never until the next constitutional convention.!!

posted Mar 09, 2009 at 16:28:13

Tim Geithner, CNBC, and the Second Coming of Known Unknowns

In the end only bankers and brokers who bankrolled the Democrats in Denver at the Demo Convention like Warren Buffett will be able to afford the ruined banks and insurance companies. The "wizard of Omaha" who runs his own Ponzi scheme with Berkshire Hathaway, will get even cheaper prices than he got in November from Bush. The longer they stall and fret over "plans" and potential filibusters and the whole load that represents, --the more worthless the banks become. They can be had for next to nothing. Then the bankers who bailed themselves out first and left investors holding the bag can dump the chump stock holders and get what amounts to a buyback of all their original holdings in the manner a legitimate company buys its own stock to reduce share holder equity. As they fiddle, Rome burns, things get cheaper. At this rate they will own the banks outright before Thanksgiving, and not have to fret about stockholders rights at all. There won't BE any stockholders! As Enron reminds us, they view themselves as the dark side.

posted Mar 09, 2009 at 16:13:46

Rush Limbaugh: Icon of Anti-Morality

Knowledge is liberal in nature. Engineering is conservative.

posted Mar 09, 2009 at 15:19:29

Michael Jackson's Disturbing Poem

Jacko is certainly creepy. I was hoping he would just go away. Now here I am writing about him when I would rather be plowing in the warm dirt of my garden. Even a simple task as breaking the soil is made creepily profane in his midst. Please don't write about him again and I will do the same.

posted Mar 09, 2009 at 14:58:52

Dean Allies Suspicious Of Surgeon General Leaks, See Politics At Play

It is not to say that we were not warned but then, actually, we should have noticed the signs. The enormous Denver Convention with its records of corporate underwriting... It was the first time in a long time that the Democrats knew they were going to win and so they took bags of corporate largesse home with them. Every one of them lined their jacket pockets with zip lock bags and gorged themselves on the sweetmeats of capitalism dying in August. They took in a lot of money. Made a lot of promises to get more money and now the paybacks are expected. Somebody should have told Blago that he was the wrong type of Catholic. I bet he was a personal payoff of Rahm Emmanuel. Blago probably gave him some of his untutored Chicago tongue and wanted more than Rahm wanted to pay...

posted Mar 09, 2009 at 14:49:43

Former Merrill Execs Invested In Madoff Funds

A Tootsie Pop! for the "Uncle Bernies" of Wall Street Thorough disgorgement of all the money including his entire business and assets and those he has sequestered with his family. Complete financial evisceration and ruination. And then to be sure that this never happens again he needs to have both arms CUT OFF at the shoulder; shoulders dipped in Kosher salt, and then be placed in a bullet proof see-through display for a year at the intersection of Broad and Wall. People should be allowed to spit upon this abominable prototypic inhuman monster and should be allowed to view his live humiliation on the internet. Capital punishment is too quick and humane for such "men". There are other possibilities in Tod Browning's "Freaks".

posted Jan 30, 2009 at 13:46:02