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Friday, March 21, 2003
The Thursday Report

The Thursday Report
Serving up tomorrow for today's journalist
Volume 1 Number 9
Thursday March 20 to
Wednesday April 9
The Thursday Report is a preview of trends and activities using asymmetric prediction techniques.
Published weekly by Michael Jordan.
In Memorium
Rachel Corrie and Nuha Sweidan and her 18 month old daughter and her 9-month unborn child.
All 4 killed intentionally (hard to miss that RED jacket and the dialog with BULLHORN in which she was engaging the murderer who drove the bulldozer) by the Israeli Army in the Gaza Strip bulldozing the homes of Palestinians to make way for the West Bank-Gaza landgrab of Ariel Sharon. The ghoul ran over her then turned around and ran over her again crushing her skull and breaking most of the bones in her arms and legs. To call Ariel Sharon a ruthless bloodsucker would be a compliment, to call him human defiles the rest of us.
Guts on Target: US Rep James Moran (D) of Virginia. "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this. The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should."
Who ARE the 'Self-Hating' Jews?
This whole mess always comes back to the daily violations of U.N. Resolution 214 by Israel. The advance guard of the real estate vultures of The Washington Post's power clique conspiracy of supporters of the Israeli West Bank/Gaza Strip land grab. Having built their careers by intentionally blurring the distinctions between Pro Israel groups and American Jews in general, with their activist writing assuring the increase of the misnomer of "anti-semitism" in the United States among the marginally literate majority of the population; and by greatly extending in the general public mind, confusion over the occupation of Palestine. If there are 'self-hating Jews' they take turns writing daily lies for the Washington Post and pass themselves off as speaking for all the rest of us. They do not speak for all Jews. There are two kinds of Jews in the world; one wants to occupy the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the other emphatically does not.
. ...and so it goes...
The chickens 'r' comin' home to roost!
The lie-weavers of the Washington Post have labored relentlessly to misinform and misconstrue the situation of Palestine in the eyes of Americans who have resided behind an iron wall of propaganda since 1976. The Washington Post employed CIA assets who constantly promote an unrepresentative Zionist tilt of American Jewry in their writing while blithely sowing the seeds of another holocaust with their irresponsible bogus insistences. Since the Intifada of 2000, bodycounts ran five Palestinians murdered for every one Israeli just since 2000. Last month this pace sky-rocketed to 82 Palestinians and 6 Israeli's (14 to 1). No leadership at all from 'congress' or the 'president' to stop this madness. Iraq policy is linked as this conflict endangers every region of the world. Thinking Jews in the United States are urgently voicing their personal concerns in regard to the danger their loved ones face worldwide should this American-Iraq foolishness carry to term. With Israeli's Ari Fleischer and Richard Perle leading the charge in the White House, and Leonard Garment and Henry Kissinger in the Op- Ed pages we are witnessing an epidemic of wanton distortion. In bold obvious truth, any incursion into Iraq will infuriate Muslims in Iran, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, making it impossible to talk restraint and reason with their leaders. To paraphrase Adam Sandler, "It's one hell of a self-hating jew" who would knowingly press war with Iraq knowing such inescapable consequences of certain retribution. Or maybe they are just profiting like Richard Pearle and George H. W. Bush and don't care who dies as long as they have a bunker to hide in and a pile of gold to count?
"When a man talks to God they call it prayer, when God talks to a man it's called schizophrenia.". -Fox Mulder.
The illusions and the visions appear to be drug induced in this 'president'. The constant background off the record alcohol abuse which started on the day after the election in Crawford with a large glass of red wine and shared with Colin Powell, Trent lott, Condoleeza, and Big Dick Cheney (videotape and front page picture--you saw it just before you entered active denial back on November 8, 2000) was cranked up a notch with the pretzel incident, has weakened the coupster and softened him up for the halliucinogenic cocktails which were in obvious near overdose during the famous scripted press conference last week. He's getting some type of speedy alkaloid which is making him snappier and meaner as the hours tick away to the beginning of the end. His temperament is reminiscent of a coke head in the aftermath of a week long run. All those pregnant sweaty pauses waiting for that coach in the earbug who obviously took devilish delight in watching Bush squirm in front of the Washington Press Corps while help never arrived. It's getting more and more to look like his daddy has put out a Psy-Ops contract out on Georgie. After the oil has been taken they will have no use for Georgie anymore and a major drug-related breakdown might ensue with a presidency from an 'undisclosed location" for the next six years. Administration critics will have to learn how to hit a moving target!
George's life under the microscope of astrology: What's in store for little George? He's goin' ta kill sum people with brown skin 'cus that's what his kin' does:
URA HAD VUL Cases of murder. Sudden terrible murder. Suddenly in immense danger. Considerable danger of war. Sudden huge dangers. Sudden heavy oppression.
How's the little squirt rationalize it? (He's the most dangerous dictator that this planet has ever seen):
NEP ZEU POS False witnesses and faked proofs. Mental creation from a false premise. Unable to pretend. Fruitless ideas, dangerous ideas.Rejecting a mental compulsion. Hidden mental leadership. The invisible hand. To lead or direct events from the background or in secret.
The gloves are off baby ...
>>next weeks' news...
17 March 2003 Monday
More possibility of bloodshed as tensions build. A slight bit of optimistic spirit might pre-empt disaster.
MAR ZEU Directed activity. Executive power. Incentive, creative work or forced creative work. Creative activity. Leading activity. The urge for grand deeds. Firing a gun. Technical science. Propagation. Machines. Military technique. Officer. Firearm. A goal. Military activities. Gunfire. Consequences of actions. Fires and conflagrations. Heating and burning. Shooting flames. Danger of fire.
ARI POS Spirit, high intellectual, light, and essence. Ideas, ghosts, and spirits. Spirituality. Ideas. Media. Highly intellectual influences.
18 March 2003 Tuesday
The real danger of volatility coupled with nothing to lose makes this weather an exceedingly perilous exercise in desperation.
NOD MAR URA NEP Connections in the state of disintegration. Connections with dead people. Dying. Becoming a widower or widow suddenly. Suddenly connected with a disagreeable heritage. Taking over things or matters highly disorganized. Connected with chaotic things. Sudden connections which are not tenable. Passing union or connections.
Sudden destruction. Revolutionary deeds. Rebellion. Wasted energy. Energetic action in the wrong direction. Injured by treachery. Fight or accident with death resulting. Sudden obstruction. Accidents. Attempted assassination. A deliberate slaughter by way of planned accidents or disease.
Work-community which soon dissolves. Working agreements break down. Muddy connections in activities. Connections and separations, with an unfortunate sex aspect. Rejection of unions. Union with persons infected physically and mentally.
Aggravations and excitements over connections. Sudden unions in connections with one's work. United with one's own work. Embroiled in fights and arguments. Embroiled in an event. Appendix operation.
19 March 2003 Wednesday
MAR JUP Joy of work. Fortunate acts or accomplishments. Lucky Deed. Joyous happenings. Betrothal. Fortunate deed. Creating something. Production. Propagation. Pregnancy. Generation. Children. Fruits and births.
20 March 2003 Thursday
ARI MAR Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
21 March 2003 Friday
SAT APO Method. Training. Education. The System. Teaching. Teacher. Pupil. Many separate or depart. Evictions. Banishment. Separations of long duration. Large hindrance. "late".
22 March 2003 Saturday
PLUTO Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past. The Greek god of the underworld, and lower regions. Intensity, drive for self mastery, intimacy, instincts, sexual needs, drive for transformation, elimination, completion urges, resentment, forgiveness, probing, complicated motives, compulsions destiny, capacity to change.
23 March 2003 Sunday
SAT URA Separated suddenly. Quarrels. Parting and death. Inflexibility.
24 March 2003 Monday
ARI MAR JUP Fortunate actions or accomplishments. Births. Fruits. Love happiness with another. Successful actions, pleasurable activity. Activity produces results. General satisfaction with one's activities.
25 March 2003 Tuesday
NOD MAR Working community. Connection through work or activities. Concerted action. Betrothal. Erotic Unions. Sexual union.
26 March 2003 Wednesday
27 March 2003 Thursday
MAR SAT Interruption of work, periodic work. Activities leading to separation, or which are periodically interrupted. Funeral. Acute sicknesses or matters. Actions forcing separations and schisms. Deaths.
28 March 2003 Friday
ARI MAR Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
29 March 2003 Saturday
MAR KRO Distinguished leader and organizer. The eminent original. Independent. Master of the house. Government procedure. Power of police. Autocratic action. Police authority. Penal law. Autocratic actions.
30 March 2003 Sunday
A very nasty day
MAR URA HAD ZEU Damage from grenades. Death through fire. The death sentence. Death from burns. Death in a mine.
Dirty work. Forced to do something against better judgment. A serious act. Evil deed. Villainy, base action. Physical brutality. Attacks. Fatigue. Weariness. Atrocity. Vulgar acts. Causing damages. Base services. Creative servant. Slaves. Sudden attacks. Murder. Homicide. Unusual death. Serious sickness. Faulty or bad action.
Fatherhood. Explosions. Danger from fire. Controlled forces. Laws of nature. Sudden acts which cannot be suppressed. Exploding. Ignite. Surprising evens happening by natural force. The will. Sudden fire. Discharge of firearms. Firing, splintering. Bolt of lightning. Sudden outbreak of war. Electric motor. Dynamo.
31 March 2003 Monday
1 April 2003 Tuesday
MAR POS Acting according to knowledge and understanding. Mental or spiritual activity. Questions of right and wrong. Ethics. Mental activity. Value system. Morality. Moral behavior.
2 April 2003 Wednesday
ARI MAR Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
3 April 2003 Thursday
A perfect day for banana fishing.
MAR JUP CUP Betrothal followed by marriage. Successful artistic activity. Happy together. Advantages from a joint artistic project. Happy marriage. Betrothal leading to marriage. Successful common or joint action. Working for a financial thriving firm.
Establishing married life. Active in a community. Artistic activities. Marriage intentions. Working artist. Work partnership.
Gaiety. Contentment and happiness, good luck, money, success. Law. Jupiter was the chief Roman god, husband of Juno, and god of light, of the sky and weather, and of the state and its welfare and laws. Ideals and goals, beliefs, values, morality and ethics, philosophy, optimism, quests for the truth, philosophy and philosophy, drive for expanded horizons, high expectations, seeking the best or highest enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature.
4 April 2003 Friday
MAR SAT Interruption of work, periodic work. Activities leading to separation, or which are periodically interrupted. Funeral. Acute sicknesses or matters. Actions forcing separations and schisms. Deaths.
5 April 2003 Saturday
Powerful mechanical action is indomitable...
MAR ZEU VUL Explosive manner of working. Thirst for action cannot be stifled. Immense creative power. Mighty accomplishment. Natural forces actively at work. Directed or fixed mechanical energies. Controlled mechanical energies, management and supervision of same. Activity in connection with machines or mechanical contraptions. Mechanical horsepower.
Directed activity. Executive power. Incentive, creative work or forced creative work. Creative activity. Leading activity. The urge for grand deeds. Firing a gun. Technical science. Propagation. Machines. Military technique. Officer. Firearm. A goal. Military activities. Gunfire. Consequences of actions. Fires and conflagrations. Heating and burning. Shooting flames. Danger of fire.
Energy, might, force, power. Strength. Large amounts of sustained force, enormous strength, intense power, Overpowering. The Roman god of fire and metal working and volcanoes. Mighty, greatly focused energies
6 April 2003 Sunday
7 April 2003 Monday
JUP PLU Fortunate change, development or alteration.
MAR ADM VUL Experiencing mighty suppression. Becoming terrorized. Stopping or finishing a mighty activity. Enormous energies used up. Fatigue. End of fight. Armistice. Stoppage or grave hindrance at work enforced by fate. End of a battle. Surrender.
8 April 2003 Tuesday
9 April 2003 Wednesday
Opression and bottomless despair and sullen thoughts of revenge...
SAT ZEU Separating from one's work, or accomplishments. Fire losses. Occurrences without consequences. Hindered activity. Events which bring about separations. Bequeathing. Perseverance. Oppression. Anxiety, anguish, obstacles, and hindrances in activity in work. Separation from or interrupted activities. Production losses. Breakdown of machines.
"If You're Going To Be Jewish And Powerful, You Can't Whine When Someone Notices It"-Michael Kinsley "The Slate." (as of this writing, Michael Kinsley has been wiped from the MSNBC and MSN websites, as the oily alliance of Bill Gates and Jack Welch gets oilier; obviously on a roll after the Donahue replacement with the rabid stinkbomber, Michael Savage)
The Thursday Report
contribution/subscription information
Subscription: Michael_Jordan
Harmonic Astrology Project
The Thursday Report
Forewarned is Forearmed
Volume 1 Number 8
Thursday March 13 to
Wednesday April 2
The Thursday Report is a preview of trends and activities
using asymmetric prediction techniques published by Michael Jordan.
“If there is no war why is there a need for security? If there is a war, of course, billions of dollars will have to be spent.”- Adnan Kashoggi, smiling impishly in discussion with Richard Pearle.
War Stock Market: The selfish part of me wants Bush to get this war started and finished cause he's wrecking the financial markets except for bonds and defense stocks that W. and his dirty buddies in the Bohemian Grove are invested in through Carlyle. For many years now since the reign of George 41, the Bush investments have been heavily weighted in 'fall back' stocks like oil and gold and the defense industries. Grandfather Prescott Bush invested in Zyklon B (Cyclone B) and the developing genocide industries of Hitler's Germany. Continuing the family investment plan, the sons and grandson's are bing careful to not rush the country headlong into bankruptcy and insolvency, but to take their time while cutting taxes for the rich and giving them more money to shelter in gold and silver mines in the US and Canada, all the while allowing for the periodic injection of fear and anxiety and occasional optimism to provide the proper level of volatility for the reaping of manufactured profits. Concurrently, in order to prime the money pump of rogue capitalism, the Bush family intentionally makes the world a more hostile place to live in. By fueling the clamor among weakened wills for more weaponry they empower a shift of money from general tax revenues out of the pockets of the remaining working class into the military budget and finally into the hands of Bush and his cabal of corporate monarchists. To insure their success in this evil mechanism they sell arms to both sides then buy gold with the cash they get. This process destroys the legitimate creative economies of any country that they are allowed to operate in by converting the fruit of legitimate human endeavor into war profits for monsters.
When the envoy from the Pope visited the White House he reiterated the Pope's earnest observation that if Bush proceeds to march into the Tigris-Euphrates Valley that God will not accompany him. Bush is said to have replied that,
"Your Pope represents the Old God and I represent the New God."
For my money, this 'New God' is that old devil, the Prince of Darkness who has gained possession of another Bush... through the crony rituals of the Skull and Bones?
The Underground Railroad: The core mechanism for providing the cheap labor for this White Power machine here at home comes from the underground railroad of easy borders combined with the destabilization of democracies abroad. When the Bushes left their early strategy meetings at the Skull and Bones at Yale they went straight to the border states of Florida and Texas to facilitate the trafficking of the displaced persons which resulted from constant intentional political destabilization done by their father in his various roles with the CIA from the late 1950's and later in the White House. Central and South America, the Philippines, in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. The Bushes, using the US military and the security forces set up and armed by the Eisenhower administration, set about to attack free democracies and replace them with military puppet governments programmed to pressure and torture the people in those countries, through killing their popularly elected leaders and clergy and giving support to those lowly psychotics: the Samoza's, the Pinochet's, the Marcos's, who would sell out and enslave their own people all for a bigger piece of pie.
These actions forced the people of those countries to make a choice: either stay and fight with machetes against modern weaponry or come to the U.S. and be exploited as cheap labor to undermine the grassroots social democracy movement here. The Bush Gang does not believe in nation building because nation states, when not interfered with, maintain free elections and increase freedom and the quality of life for everyone. It is to maintain this mode that Cuba has nobly struggled for half a century transforming itself from the US created offshore casino/whorehouse of New York, Washington, and Miami in 1958, to the jewel of the western hemisphere with Democratic Socialism which works in spite of intense meddling and military mis-adventures by the Bush family and their proxies in Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan.
The Bush Monster Plan requires a vertically organized gang; taking its orders from the top, and firing on those who might resist their hierarchal Amway ponzi scheme of tribute and reward. Uneducated primitives provide a buffer zone for these nasty folks when they buy into the 'love it or leave it' mode of reactionary political reductionism (Aryans, Ku Klux Klan, Southern Baptists, Tom Ridge, etc) Being both clueless and willing, the legitimate establishment media fills the remaining void with pseudo-crypto writers like Horowitz, and Hitchens, and Corn while the intelligence community backs and fills with their stable of Reader's Digest embedded agent-writers.
There is a will of people which is stronger than the winds of war and the constant growing resistance facing that wind is turning back any illusion of legitimacy in this horrid offensive. The developing solidarity of that resistance will serve the spirits of the future. Time marches on, make your stand NOW!
next week's newsweather...
13 March 2003 Thursday
Executive power. Height. Authority, mastery, ability, perfection, the professional, Elevation. Leading. Kronos was one of the Titans who was dethroned by his son Zeus. Government, leader, everything above average, high up, lofty, extraordinary. George gets elevator shoes as he mounts another soapbox and does his Alan Ladd imitation of 'Shane'.
14 March 2003 Friday
15 March 2003 Saturday
Mobilzation on Washington with supporting demonstrations throughout the world.
16 March 2003 Sunday
Networking and outreach has great potential today.
Good luck. Contentment. Possessions. Money. Natural contentment. Good fortune in general. Success.
17 March 2003 Monday
More possibility of bloodshed as tensions build. A slight bit of optimistic spirit might pre-empt disaster.
Directed activity. Executive power. Incentive, creative work or forced creative work. Creative activity. Leading activity. The urge for grand deeds. Firing a gun. Technical science. Propagation. Machines. Military technique. Officer. Firearm. A goal. Military activities. Gunfire. Consequences of actions. Fires and conflagrations. Heating and burning. Shooting flames. Danger of fire.
Spirit, high intellectual, light, and essence. Ideas, ghosts, and spirits. Spirituality. Ideas. Media. Highly intellectual influences.
18 March 2003 Tuesday
The real danger of volatility coupled with nothing to lose makes this weather an exceedingly perilous exercise in desperation.
Connections in the state of disintegration. Connections with dead people. Dying. Becoming a widower or widow suddenly. Suddenly connected with a disagreeable heritage. Taking over things or matters highly disorganized. Connected with chaotic things. Sudden connections which are not tenable. Passing union or connections.
Sudden destruction. Revolutionary deeds. Rebellion. Wasted energy. Energetic action in the wrong direction. Injured by treachery. Fight or accident with death resulting. Sudden obstruction. Accidents. Attempted assassination. A deliberate slaughter by way of planned accidents or disease.
Work-community which soon dissolves. Working agreements break down. Muddy connections in activities. Connections and separations, with an unfortunate sex aspect. Rejection of unions. Union with persons infected physically and mentally.
Aggravations and excitements over connections. Sudden unions in connections with one's work. United with one's own work. Embroiled in fights and arguments. Embroiled in an event. Appendix operation.
19 March 2003 Wednesday
Forming alliances brings promising results today.
Joy of work. Fortunate acts or accomplishments. Lucky Deed. Joyous happenings. Betrothal. Fortunate deed. Creating something. Production. Propagation. Pregnancy. Generation. Children. Fruits and births.
20 March 2003 Thursday
Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
21 March 2003 Friday
Teach-ins are productive today.
Method. Training. Education. The System. Teaching. Teacher. Pupil. Many separate or depart. Evictions. Banishment. Separations of long duration. Large hindrance. "late".
22 March 2003 Saturday
Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past. The Greek god of the underworld, and lower regions. Intensity, drive for self mastery, intimacy, instincts, sexual needs, drive for transformation, elimination, completion urges, resentment, forgiveness, probing, complicated motives, compulsions destiny, capacity to change.
23 March 2003 Sunday
The reaper lurks-take care.
Separated suddenly. Quarrels. Parting and death. Inflexibility.
24 March 2003 Monday
Good time to start anything with high potential for good results
Fortunate actions or accomplishments. Births. Fruits. Love happiness with another. Successful actions, pleasurable activity. Activity produces results. General satisfaction with one's activities.
25 March 2003 Tuesday
Working with alliances produces devoted active results
Working community. Connection through work or activities. Concerted action. Betrothal. Erotic Unions. Sexual union.
26 March 2003 Wednesday
27 March 2003 Thursday
A day to go slowly and not push the river.
Interruption of work, periodic work. Activities leading to separation, or which are periodically interrupted. Funeral. Acute sicknesses or matters. Actions forcing separations and schisms. Deaths.
28 March 2003 Friday
Taking care of business.
Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
29 March 2003 Saturday
Ultimate testosterone
Distinguished leader and organizer. The eminent original. Independent. Master of the house. Government procedure. Power of police. Autocratic action. Police authority. Penal law. Autocratic actions.
30 March 2003 Sunday
Dangerous day
Dirty work. Forced to do something against better judgment. A serious act. Evil deed. Villainy, base action. Physical brutality. Attacks. Fatigue. Weariness. Atrocity. Vulgar acts. Causing damages. Base services. Creative servant. Slaves. Sudden attacks. Murder. Homicide. Unusual death. Serious sickness. Faulty or bad action.
Fatherhood. Explosions. Danger from fire. Controlled forces. Laws of nature. Sudden acts which cannot be suppressed. Exploding. Ignite. Surprising evens happening by natural force. The will. Sudden fire. Discharge of firearms. Firing, splintering. Bolt of lightning. Sudden outbreak of war. Electric motor. Dynamo.
31 March 2003 Monday
1 April 2003 Tuesday
In-depth, introspection, taking stock.
Acting according to knowledge and understanding. Mental or spiritual activity. Questions of right and wrong. Ethics. Mental activity. Value system. Morality. Moral behavior.
2 April 2003 Wednesday
Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
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The Thursday Report
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The Thursday Report is archived in a weblog at:
The Harmonic Astrology website
Michael Jordan
Forewarned is Forearmed
Volume 1 Number 8
Thursday March 13 to
Wednesday April 2
The Thursday Report is a preview of trends and activities
using asymmetric prediction techniques published by Michael Jordan.
“If there is no war why is there a need for security? If there is a war, of course, billions of dollars will have to be spent.”- Adnan Kashoggi, smiling impishly in discussion with Richard Pearle.
War Stock Market: The selfish part of me wants Bush to get this war started and finished cause he's wrecking the financial markets except for bonds and defense stocks that W. and his dirty buddies in the Bohemian Grove are invested in through Carlyle. For many years now since the reign of George 41, the Bush investments have been heavily weighted in 'fall back' stocks like oil and gold and the defense industries. Grandfather Prescott Bush invested in Zyklon B (Cyclone B) and the developing genocide industries of Hitler's Germany. Continuing the family investment plan, the sons and grandson's are bing careful to not rush the country headlong into bankruptcy and insolvency, but to take their time while cutting taxes for the rich and giving them more money to shelter in gold and silver mines in the US and Canada, all the while allowing for the periodic injection of fear and anxiety and occasional optimism to provide the proper level of volatility for the reaping of manufactured profits. Concurrently, in order to prime the money pump of rogue capitalism, the Bush family intentionally makes the world a more hostile place to live in. By fueling the clamor among weakened wills for more weaponry they empower a shift of money from general tax revenues out of the pockets of the remaining working class into the military budget and finally into the hands of Bush and his cabal of corporate monarchists. To insure their success in this evil mechanism they sell arms to both sides then buy gold with the cash they get. This process destroys the legitimate creative economies of any country that they are allowed to operate in by converting the fruit of legitimate human endeavor into war profits for monsters.
When the envoy from the Pope visited the White House he reiterated the Pope's earnest observation that if Bush proceeds to march into the Tigris-Euphrates Valley that God will not accompany him. Bush is said to have replied that,
"Your Pope represents the Old God and I represent the New God."
For my money, this 'New God' is that old devil, the Prince of Darkness who has gained possession of another Bush... through the crony rituals of the Skull and Bones?
The Underground Railroad: The core mechanism for providing the cheap labor for this White Power machine here at home comes from the underground railroad of easy borders combined with the destabilization of democracies abroad. When the Bushes left their early strategy meetings at the Skull and Bones at Yale they went straight to the border states of Florida and Texas to facilitate the trafficking of the displaced persons which resulted from constant intentional political destabilization done by their father in his various roles with the CIA from the late 1950's and later in the White House. Central and South America, the Philippines, in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. The Bushes, using the US military and the security forces set up and armed by the Eisenhower administration, set about to attack free democracies and replace them with military puppet governments programmed to pressure and torture the people in those countries, through killing their popularly elected leaders and clergy and giving support to those lowly psychotics: the Samoza's, the Pinochet's, the Marcos's, who would sell out and enslave their own people all for a bigger piece of pie.
These actions forced the people of those countries to make a choice: either stay and fight with machetes against modern weaponry or come to the U.S. and be exploited as cheap labor to undermine the grassroots social democracy movement here. The Bush Gang does not believe in nation building because nation states, when not interfered with, maintain free elections and increase freedom and the quality of life for everyone. It is to maintain this mode that Cuba has nobly struggled for half a century transforming itself from the US created offshore casino/whorehouse of New York, Washington, and Miami in 1958, to the jewel of the western hemisphere with Democratic Socialism which works in spite of intense meddling and military mis-adventures by the Bush family and their proxies in Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan.
The Bush Monster Plan requires a vertically organized gang; taking its orders from the top, and firing on those who might resist their hierarchal Amway ponzi scheme of tribute and reward. Uneducated primitives provide a buffer zone for these nasty folks when they buy into the 'love it or leave it' mode of reactionary political reductionism (Aryans, Ku Klux Klan, Southern Baptists, Tom Ridge, etc) Being both clueless and willing, the legitimate establishment media fills the remaining void with pseudo-crypto writers like Horowitz, and Hitchens, and Corn while the intelligence community backs and fills with their stable of Reader's Digest embedded agent-writers.
There is a will of people which is stronger than the winds of war and the constant growing resistance facing that wind is turning back any illusion of legitimacy in this horrid offensive. The developing solidarity of that resistance will serve the spirits of the future. Time marches on, make your stand NOW!
next week's newsweather...
13 March 2003 Thursday
Executive power. Height. Authority, mastery, ability, perfection, the professional, Elevation. Leading. Kronos was one of the Titans who was dethroned by his son Zeus. Government, leader, everything above average, high up, lofty, extraordinary. George gets elevator shoes as he mounts another soapbox and does his Alan Ladd imitation of 'Shane'.
14 March 2003 Friday
15 March 2003 Saturday
Mobilzation on Washington with supporting demonstrations throughout the world.
16 March 2003 Sunday
Networking and outreach has great potential today.
Good luck. Contentment. Possessions. Money. Natural contentment. Good fortune in general. Success.
17 March 2003 Monday
More possibility of bloodshed as tensions build. A slight bit of optimistic spirit might pre-empt disaster.
Directed activity. Executive power. Incentive, creative work or forced creative work. Creative activity. Leading activity. The urge for grand deeds. Firing a gun. Technical science. Propagation. Machines. Military technique. Officer. Firearm. A goal. Military activities. Gunfire. Consequences of actions. Fires and conflagrations. Heating and burning. Shooting flames. Danger of fire.
Spirit, high intellectual, light, and essence. Ideas, ghosts, and spirits. Spirituality. Ideas. Media. Highly intellectual influences.
18 March 2003 Tuesday
The real danger of volatility coupled with nothing to lose makes this weather an exceedingly perilous exercise in desperation.
Connections in the state of disintegration. Connections with dead people. Dying. Becoming a widower or widow suddenly. Suddenly connected with a disagreeable heritage. Taking over things or matters highly disorganized. Connected with chaotic things. Sudden connections which are not tenable. Passing union or connections.
Sudden destruction. Revolutionary deeds. Rebellion. Wasted energy. Energetic action in the wrong direction. Injured by treachery. Fight or accident with death resulting. Sudden obstruction. Accidents. Attempted assassination. A deliberate slaughter by way of planned accidents or disease.
Work-community which soon dissolves. Working agreements break down. Muddy connections in activities. Connections and separations, with an unfortunate sex aspect. Rejection of unions. Union with persons infected physically and mentally.
Aggravations and excitements over connections. Sudden unions in connections with one's work. United with one's own work. Embroiled in fights and arguments. Embroiled in an event. Appendix operation.
19 March 2003 Wednesday
Forming alliances brings promising results today.
Joy of work. Fortunate acts or accomplishments. Lucky Deed. Joyous happenings. Betrothal. Fortunate deed. Creating something. Production. Propagation. Pregnancy. Generation. Children. Fruits and births.
20 March 2003 Thursday
Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
21 March 2003 Friday
Teach-ins are productive today.
Method. Training. Education. The System. Teaching. Teacher. Pupil. Many separate or depart. Evictions. Banishment. Separations of long duration. Large hindrance. "late".
22 March 2003 Saturday
Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past. The Greek god of the underworld, and lower regions. Intensity, drive for self mastery, intimacy, instincts, sexual needs, drive for transformation, elimination, completion urges, resentment, forgiveness, probing, complicated motives, compulsions destiny, capacity to change.
23 March 2003 Sunday
The reaper lurks-take care.
Separated suddenly. Quarrels. Parting and death. Inflexibility.
24 March 2003 Monday
Good time to start anything with high potential for good results
Fortunate actions or accomplishments. Births. Fruits. Love happiness with another. Successful actions, pleasurable activity. Activity produces results. General satisfaction with one's activities.
25 March 2003 Tuesday
Working with alliances produces devoted active results
Working community. Connection through work or activities. Concerted action. Betrothal. Erotic Unions. Sexual union.
26 March 2003 Wednesday
27 March 2003 Thursday
A day to go slowly and not push the river.
Interruption of work, periodic work. Activities leading to separation, or which are periodically interrupted. Funeral. Acute sicknesses or matters. Actions forcing separations and schisms. Deaths.
28 March 2003 Friday
Taking care of business.
Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
29 March 2003 Saturday
Ultimate testosterone
Distinguished leader and organizer. The eminent original. Independent. Master of the house. Government procedure. Power of police. Autocratic action. Police authority. Penal law. Autocratic actions.
30 March 2003 Sunday
Dangerous day
Dirty work. Forced to do something against better judgment. A serious act. Evil deed. Villainy, base action. Physical brutality. Attacks. Fatigue. Weariness. Atrocity. Vulgar acts. Causing damages. Base services. Creative servant. Slaves. Sudden attacks. Murder. Homicide. Unusual death. Serious sickness. Faulty or bad action.
Fatherhood. Explosions. Danger from fire. Controlled forces. Laws of nature. Sudden acts which cannot be suppressed. Exploding. Ignite. Surprising evens happening by natural force. The will. Sudden fire. Discharge of firearms. Firing, splintering. Bolt of lightning. Sudden outbreak of war. Electric motor. Dynamo.
31 March 2003 Monday
1 April 2003 Tuesday
In-depth, introspection, taking stock.
Acting according to knowledge and understanding. Mental or spiritual activity. Questions of right and wrong. Ethics. Mental activity. Value system. Morality. Moral behavior.
2 April 2003 Wednesday
Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
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The Thursday Report
contribution/support/criticism/information/reprint permissions/questions
The Thursday Report is archived in a weblog at:
The Harmonic Astrology website
Michael Jordan
The Thursday Report
Special 3 Week Edition
Volume 1 Number 7
March 6 to Wednesday March 26 2003
The Thursday Report is a preview of trends and activities
using the asymmetric prediction techniques of Michael Jordan.
...Just when you thought you had escaped that nightmare it wakes you up in the middle of the night with a knock on the door. There is a black helicopter chopping relentlessly overhead and they are not there to rescue you...the earliest continental US victims of the rogue government have reported being subjected to electromagnetic fields which left them with concussion intensity headaches which persisted for over a's going on as we long as we are able to...the effect of the magnetic fields is to effectively separate your astral essence from your speed acid and dmt all on coordinated assault at once...It is happening today and to someone you know or someone whom you will meet in the the GULAG..which is the USA..
Where's MY MONEY Georgie Boy?
As most I have met are flat run out of patience waitin' for the Bushbaby to get his head out of his fathers' Iraq, we wonder when the US Attorney General is gonna drop that limp bizkit long enough to resolutely prosecute the gas/electric utilities who stole $237.00 from each and every one of my fellow Californians from infant to geezer. NINE BILLION DOLLARS and not a word from little Johnny goo goo. Johnny needs to drop that Rock of Ages crap and do his stinking job.
Go Johnny Go! Forget your obsession with denying civil rights to your betters. Go out and arrest Ken Lay, and Reliant Energy, and Duke Power, and Dynegy.
Gray Davis and Bill Lockyer will help you with the details cause they are honest politicians and would be most happy to share their findings with you.
...and Johnny Be Good, don't tell we Californians that you need any more proof than you have now. We know you have two trains of justice running; with one running AT good people without cause, spreading injustice with every mile, and the one that YOU ride which runs AWAY from every single responsibility of your office. God's plan requires Little Justice Johnny to get his head out of that Iraq hole and start takin' care of the 38 million people of California. We want our damn money now!
Surprise at the TOP:: Ten fat, filthy, dirty cops (including the Chief and his pretorian guard of assistants) got indicted in San Francisco by our knight templar Terrance Hallinan the best district attorney that this country has seen... EVER! ..If we had an attorney general in Washington like this junkyard Irish nobleman we have in the BayArea we wouldn't be mired in this sick and sorry mess that the Bush family and the Supreme Court has foisted upon us. We'd have instead an honest legitimate quiet president, 9-11 would have never happened, and the Israeli's would be forced to keep to their territory. And 4 million starved and bombed Afghani's (mostly children) would still be alive and 5 million Iraqi's (mostly children) wouldn't have to be beggin' for their lives. Who said honest politics wasn't interesting?....Now if we could only clone him.....
And now for the news...
6 March 2003 Thursday
7 March 2003 Friday
8 March 2003 Saturday
(International Women's Day)
ARI NOD Generic connections found in public. Union of many persons. Many associations. Alliances.
9 March 2003 Sunday
(things get better with agreements)
MAR JUP KRO Good fruits, fine accomplishments. Leadership through one's own fortunate activities. Happy activities lead to independence. Giver of money. Happiness through the government. Money through lawsuits. Asserting oneself with success. Sentence. Security police.
CUPIDO Family. Sociability. Societies. Associations. Groups. Collections of Art. Zyg "to yoke or connect." Heterozygosis. Zygodactyl, zygoma, Zygospore. Zygote. The community, belonging. Extend, adhere. Cupido was the god of love, desire, covetousness, wealth, power, avarice, craving.
JUP CUP KRO Large family meeting. Leading artists. Most prominent in the art world. Fortunate ties with prominent artists. Chief of a well-renowned firm. Leader of master in art. Enjoyable leadership and good times concerning a large community. Marriage license. Enjoying the company of cultured people. The signing of a document. Financiers. National banks. Directory of the mint.
MAR CUP KRO Study group or community working under protection of the state. Rifle or artillery practice. The married life of the parent. Artists with their own style. Notable original art. An act in the marriage-office. Marriage ceremony. Officiating. Official function. Action of large communities. Termination of office. Wrought iron articles.
MAR JUP CUP Betrothal followed by marriage. Successful artistic activity. Happy together. Advantages from a joint artistic project. Happy marriage. Betrothal leading to marriage. Successful common or joint action. Working for a financial thriving firm.
10 March 2003 Monday
ARI URA Excitement and sudden events. Explosions. Eruptions. Electrical situations. Events take place suddenly .
11 March 2003 Tuesday
JUP CUP Happiness in married life. Good luck in associations and in the arts. Feeling of Happiness in or through company. Money through members of the family. Money through marriage. Money or gains through arts. Family happiness. Fortunate or successful partnership. Happy and successful community. Social ability. Art with success.
12 March 2003 Wednesday
MAR HAD APO Trade, historic, or scientific activities. Trading antiques. Ancient scriptures. Professional activity in connection with old material. Antiquity or historical scientific activity. Activity in occult science or magic. Gathering with many lowbrow people, with serving people or soldiers. Ugly acts.
13 March 2003 Thursday
KRONOS The indicator for everything above average. Executive power. Height. Authority, mastery, ability, perfection, the professional, Elevation. Leading. Kronos was one of the Titans who was dethroned by his son Zeus. Government, leader, everything above average, high up, lofty, extraordinary.
14 March 2003 Friday
15 March 2003 Saturday
16 March 2003 Sunday
ARI JUP Good luck. Contentment. Possessions. Money. Natural contentment. Good fortune in general. Success.
17 March 2003 Monday
MAR ZEU Directed activity. Executive power. Incentive, creative work or forced creative work. Creative activity. Leading activity. The urge for grand deeds. Firing a gun. Technical science. Propagation. Machines. Military technique. Officer. Firearm. A goal. Military activities. Gunfire. Consequences of actions. Fires and conflagrations. Heating and burning. Shooting flames. Danger of fire.
ARI POS Spirit, high intellectual, light, and essence. Ideas, ghosts, and spirits. Spirituality. Ideas. Media. Highly intellectual influences.
18 March 2003 Tuesday
NOD URA NEP Connections in the state of disintegration. Connections with dead people. Dying. Becoming a widower or widow suddenly. Suddenly connected with a disagreeable heritage. Taking over things or matters highly disorganized. Connected with chaotic things. Sudden connections which are not tenable. Passing union or connections.
MAR URA NEP Sudden destruction. Revolutionary deeds. Rebellion. Wasted energy. Energetic action in the wrong direction. Injured by treachery. Fight or accident with death resulting. Sudden obstruction. Accidents. Attempted assassination. A deliberate slaughter by way of planned accidents or disease.
NOD MAR NEP Work-community which soon dissolves. Working agreements break down. Muddy connections in activities. Connections and separations, with an unfortunate sex aspect. Rejection of unions. Union with infected persons, physically and mentally.
NOD MAR URA Aggravations and excitements through them. Suddenly appearing unions or connections. Sudden unions in connections with one's work. United with one's own work. Embroiled in fights and arguments. Surprisingly connected with others in joint activity. Embroiled in an event. Appendix operation.
19 March 2003 Wednesday
MAR JUP Joy of work. Fortunate acts or accomplishments. Lucky Deed. Joyous happenings. Betrothal. Fortunate deed. Creating something. Production. Propagation. Pregnancy. Generation. Children. Fruits and births.
20 March 2003 Thursday
ARI MAR Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
21 March 2003 Friday
SAT APO Method. Training. Education. The System. Teaching. Teacher. Pupil. Many separate or depart. Evictions. Banishment. Separations of long duration. Large hindrance. "late".
22 March 2003 Saturday
PLUTO Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past. The Greek god of the underworld, and lower regions. Intensity, drive for self mastery, intimacy, instincts, sexual needs, drive for transformation, elimination, completion urges, resentment, forgiveness, probing, complicated motives, compulsions destiny, capacity to transform the self and the outer world
23 March 2003 Sunday
SAT URA Separated suddenly. Quarrels. Sudden separation. Parting and death. Inflexibility.
24 March 2003 Monday
ARI MAR JUP Fortunate actions or accomplishments. Births. Fruits. Love happiness of or with another. Successful actions, pleasurable activity. Activity produces results. General satisfaction with one's activities.
25 March 2003 Tuesday
NOD MAR Working community. Connection through work or activities. Concerted action. Betrothal. Erotic Unions. Sexual union.
26 March 2003 Wednesday
contact apollotomorrow for customized time spans for
The Thursday Report
contribution/support/criticism/information/reprint permissions/questions
The Thursday Report is archived in a weblog at:
The Harnmonic Astrology website
Michael Jordan
Special 3 Week Edition
Volume 1 Number 7
March 6 to Wednesday March 26 2003
The Thursday Report is a preview of trends and activities
using the asymmetric prediction techniques of Michael Jordan.
...Just when you thought you had escaped that nightmare it wakes you up in the middle of the night with a knock on the door. There is a black helicopter chopping relentlessly overhead and they are not there to rescue you...the earliest continental US victims of the rogue government have reported being subjected to electromagnetic fields which left them with concussion intensity headaches which persisted for over a's going on as we long as we are able to...the effect of the magnetic fields is to effectively separate your astral essence from your speed acid and dmt all on coordinated assault at once...It is happening today and to someone you know or someone whom you will meet in the the GULAG..which is the USA..
Where's MY MONEY Georgie Boy?
As most I have met are flat run out of patience waitin' for the Bushbaby to get his head out of his fathers' Iraq, we wonder when the US Attorney General is gonna drop that limp bizkit long enough to resolutely prosecute the gas/electric utilities who stole $237.00 from each and every one of my fellow Californians from infant to geezer. NINE BILLION DOLLARS and not a word from little Johnny goo goo. Johnny needs to drop that Rock of Ages crap and do his stinking job.
Go Johnny Go! Forget your obsession with denying civil rights to your betters. Go out and arrest Ken Lay, and Reliant Energy, and Duke Power, and Dynegy.
Gray Davis and Bill Lockyer will help you with the details cause they are honest politicians and would be most happy to share their findings with you.
...and Johnny Be Good, don't tell we Californians that you need any more proof than you have now. We know you have two trains of justice running; with one running AT good people without cause, spreading injustice with every mile, and the one that YOU ride which runs AWAY from every single responsibility of your office. God's plan requires Little Justice Johnny to get his head out of that Iraq hole and start takin' care of the 38 million people of California. We want our damn money now!
Surprise at the TOP:: Ten fat, filthy, dirty cops (including the Chief and his pretorian guard of assistants) got indicted in San Francisco by our knight templar Terrance Hallinan the best district attorney that this country has seen... EVER! ..If we had an attorney general in Washington like this junkyard Irish nobleman we have in the BayArea we wouldn't be mired in this sick and sorry mess that the Bush family and the Supreme Court has foisted upon us. We'd have instead an honest legitimate quiet president, 9-11 would have never happened, and the Israeli's would be forced to keep to their territory. And 4 million starved and bombed Afghani's (mostly children) would still be alive and 5 million Iraqi's (mostly children) wouldn't have to be beggin' for their lives. Who said honest politics wasn't interesting?....Now if we could only clone him.....
And now for the news...
6 March 2003 Thursday
7 March 2003 Friday
8 March 2003 Saturday
(International Women's Day)
ARI NOD Generic connections found in public. Union of many persons. Many associations. Alliances.
9 March 2003 Sunday
(things get better with agreements)
MAR JUP KRO Good fruits, fine accomplishments. Leadership through one's own fortunate activities. Happy activities lead to independence. Giver of money. Happiness through the government. Money through lawsuits. Asserting oneself with success. Sentence. Security police.
CUPIDO Family. Sociability. Societies. Associations. Groups. Collections of Art. Zyg "to yoke or connect." Heterozygosis. Zygodactyl, zygoma, Zygospore. Zygote. The community, belonging. Extend, adhere. Cupido was the god of love, desire, covetousness, wealth, power, avarice, craving.
JUP CUP KRO Large family meeting. Leading artists. Most prominent in the art world. Fortunate ties with prominent artists. Chief of a well-renowned firm. Leader of master in art. Enjoyable leadership and good times concerning a large community. Marriage license. Enjoying the company of cultured people. The signing of a document. Financiers. National banks. Directory of the mint.
MAR CUP KRO Study group or community working under protection of the state. Rifle or artillery practice. The married life of the parent. Artists with their own style. Notable original art. An act in the marriage-office. Marriage ceremony. Officiating. Official function. Action of large communities. Termination of office. Wrought iron articles.
MAR JUP CUP Betrothal followed by marriage. Successful artistic activity. Happy together. Advantages from a joint artistic project. Happy marriage. Betrothal leading to marriage. Successful common or joint action. Working for a financial thriving firm.
10 March 2003 Monday
ARI URA Excitement and sudden events. Explosions. Eruptions. Electrical situations. Events take place suddenly .
11 March 2003 Tuesday
JUP CUP Happiness in married life. Good luck in associations and in the arts. Feeling of Happiness in or through company. Money through members of the family. Money through marriage. Money or gains through arts. Family happiness. Fortunate or successful partnership. Happy and successful community. Social ability. Art with success.
12 March 2003 Wednesday
MAR HAD APO Trade, historic, or scientific activities. Trading antiques. Ancient scriptures. Professional activity in connection with old material. Antiquity or historical scientific activity. Activity in occult science or magic. Gathering with many lowbrow people, with serving people or soldiers. Ugly acts.
13 March 2003 Thursday
KRONOS The indicator for everything above average. Executive power. Height. Authority, mastery, ability, perfection, the professional, Elevation. Leading. Kronos was one of the Titans who was dethroned by his son Zeus. Government, leader, everything above average, high up, lofty, extraordinary.
14 March 2003 Friday
15 March 2003 Saturday
16 March 2003 Sunday
ARI JUP Good luck. Contentment. Possessions. Money. Natural contentment. Good fortune in general. Success.
17 March 2003 Monday
MAR ZEU Directed activity. Executive power. Incentive, creative work or forced creative work. Creative activity. Leading activity. The urge for grand deeds. Firing a gun. Technical science. Propagation. Machines. Military technique. Officer. Firearm. A goal. Military activities. Gunfire. Consequences of actions. Fires and conflagrations. Heating and burning. Shooting flames. Danger of fire.
ARI POS Spirit, high intellectual, light, and essence. Ideas, ghosts, and spirits. Spirituality. Ideas. Media. Highly intellectual influences.
18 March 2003 Tuesday
NOD URA NEP Connections in the state of disintegration. Connections with dead people. Dying. Becoming a widower or widow suddenly. Suddenly connected with a disagreeable heritage. Taking over things or matters highly disorganized. Connected with chaotic things. Sudden connections which are not tenable. Passing union or connections.
MAR URA NEP Sudden destruction. Revolutionary deeds. Rebellion. Wasted energy. Energetic action in the wrong direction. Injured by treachery. Fight or accident with death resulting. Sudden obstruction. Accidents. Attempted assassination. A deliberate slaughter by way of planned accidents or disease.
NOD MAR NEP Work-community which soon dissolves. Working agreements break down. Muddy connections in activities. Connections and separations, with an unfortunate sex aspect. Rejection of unions. Union with infected persons, physically and mentally.
NOD MAR URA Aggravations and excitements through them. Suddenly appearing unions or connections. Sudden unions in connections with one's work. United with one's own work. Embroiled in fights and arguments. Surprisingly connected with others in joint activity. Embroiled in an event. Appendix operation.
19 March 2003 Wednesday
MAR JUP Joy of work. Fortunate acts or accomplishments. Lucky Deed. Joyous happenings. Betrothal. Fortunate deed. Creating something. Production. Propagation. Pregnancy. Generation. Children. Fruits and births.
20 March 2003 Thursday
ARI MAR Working energy. Having courage. The general forces of nature.
21 March 2003 Friday
SAT APO Method. Training. Education. The System. Teaching. Teacher. Pupil. Many separate or depart. Evictions. Banishment. Separations of long duration. Large hindrance. "late".
22 March 2003 Saturday
PLUTO Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past. The Greek god of the underworld, and lower regions. Intensity, drive for self mastery, intimacy, instincts, sexual needs, drive for transformation, elimination, completion urges, resentment, forgiveness, probing, complicated motives, compulsions destiny, capacity to transform the self and the outer world
23 March 2003 Sunday
SAT URA Separated suddenly. Quarrels. Sudden separation. Parting and death. Inflexibility.
24 March 2003 Monday
ARI MAR JUP Fortunate actions or accomplishments. Births. Fruits. Love happiness of or with another. Successful actions, pleasurable activity. Activity produces results. General satisfaction with one's activities.
25 March 2003 Tuesday
NOD MAR Working community. Connection through work or activities. Concerted action. Betrothal. Erotic Unions. Sexual union.
26 March 2003 Wednesday
contact apollotomorrow for customized time spans for
The Thursday Report
contribution/support/criticism/information/reprint permissions/questions
The Thursday Report is archived in a weblog at:
The Harnmonic Astrology website
Michael Jordan
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