Tuesday, October 08, 2002

The Astrology of the Grand Designs of Brutal Empire

The Astrology of the Grand Designs of Brutal Empire(This previous observation is still relevant in the debate surrounding the war making machine of the pseudo conservative contra-peace front, first written on December 15, 2001 after researching researching the celestial signatures of the WTC plane attacks. Virtually every point in this observation has come to pass)

original post source USENET

beginning repost:

This combination of applying asymmetrical harmonics was present in the of the World Trade Center airplane attacks of 9 September 2001, and the June 21 1788 chart of New Hampshire's ratifying the Constitution of the United States which made the necessary majority of 9 out of 13 states and the United States was officially "born". The actual applying harmonics also included the Moon in addition to Jupiter, Neptune, and Kronos.

By using Planet Cycle on the page http://www.transbay.net/~ballgame/index.htm
you can duplicate the results shown here by entering the two dates into the program.
This combination of applying harmonics was present in the asymmetrical harmonic comparison of the World Trade Center airplane attacks of 9 September 2001, and the June 21 1788 chart of New Hampshire's ratifying the Constitution of the United States which made the necessary majority of 9 out of 13 states and the United States was officially "born". The actual harmonics also included the Moon in addition to Jupiter, Neptune, and Kronos.

The number of cycle parts is 56
Sat Jun 21 00:00:00 PDT 1788
Tue Sep 11 00:00:00 PDT 2001
...Earth separating.(1)
**********...Jupiter Applying.(1)
...Earth separating.(2)
...Zeus separating.(2)
...Earth separating.(3)
...Earth separating.(5)
...Hades separating.(5)
...Earth separating.(7)
...Earth separating.(11)
...Node separating.(11)
...Uranus separating.(11)
...Earth separating.(13)
...Apollon separating.(13)
...Earth separating.(17)
...Mercury separating.(17)
...Earth separating.(19)
**********...Moon Applying.(19)
...Cupido separating.(19)
...Earth separating.(23)
...Earth separating.(29)
...Earth separating.(31)
...Pluto separating.(31)
...Poseidon separating.(31)
...Earth separating.(37)
...Earth separating.(41)
...Earth separating.(43)
**********...Neptune Applying.(43)
...Earth separating.(47)
...Earth separating.(53)
...Neptune separating.(53)
...Earth separating.(59)
...Venus separating.(59)
...Jupiter separating.(59)
**********...Kronos Applying.(59)

JUP NEP KRO Consequential carelessness. Leading people pretend to be lucky or happy. Speculations promoted by the government. Nobel prizes. Pretended luck by the government. Dissolving of good luck. A fortunate leadership dissolves through discord. Attaining leadership through fraud and subterfuge. Earning money easily and to spend it again. Immense extravagance. Shrinking of property or holdings.

By comparison to the bombing of Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 we get these results.

The number of cycle parts is 56
Sat Jun 21 00:00:00 PDT 1788
Sun Dec 7 00:00:00 PST 1941
********...Moon Applying.(2)
...Hades separating.(7)
...Jupiter separating.(17)
...Kronos separating.(19)
********...Poseidon Applying.(19)
...Venus separating.(29)
********...Mercury Applying.(31)
********...Vulcanus Applying.(31)
...Sun separating.(37)
...Mars separating.(37)
...Cupido separating.(37)
********...Hades Applying.(37)
********...Kronos Applying.(41)
...Poseidon separating.(43)
...Pluto separating.(59)

HAD KRO VUL Infamous brutality, meanness and evil. The government proceeds in a devilish way. Murders on a large scale. Gigantic crimes and evil deeds. Heavy oppression and suppression by governments and ruling powers. The power of the state does not stop at anything. Cruel injustice caused by autonomous powers replete with misery and misfortune. Massive murder caused by war.

This group of planets was very prominent in the asymmetrical harmonics in the comparison of the June21, 1788 date of the ratification of the Constitution by New Hampshire which fulfilled the 2/3 majority of nine states which made the United States a fact with the "sneak attack" by Japan on Pearl Harbor on 7 December, 1941.

You may see this for yourself by entering the dates into the Planet Cycle Program on the page:


It appears, at least to this researcher, that these two events are very different in nature and the possibility of mischief by security agencies as has been proposed by an increasing number of people who have been researching into the events from July 2001 until the days just prior to the WTC attacks cannot be ruled out. There are numerous reports now surfacing worldwide by established and credible western researchers that there was plenty of prior knowledge by government agencies including ample warnings by foreign intelligence services. In addition it is now known to be fact that the main disaster relief agency (FEMA) was mobilized on the 9th of September arriving in New York on the 10th of September. There are numerous reports regarding warnings being disregarded. Even fighter planes of NORAD were not scrambled on time and the charge is that they were purposely delayed. The appearance of a purposeful orchestrated benign neglect by the executive branch of the government here in the United States (and this is an extremely generous assessment on my part ) while actively baiting the world by it's irresponsible actions regarding treaties and the like was the true story of 9-11-2001. It is now left to those in positions of authority to issue indictments to the courts regarding the criminal neglect and treason by the administration of George W. Bush. God help us all here in the United States in finding a mechanism of representative government which can bring those responsible to justice without our attorney general who is in on the shenanigans and engaged in the cover-ups created by the chief executive and his draconian executive order manipulations designed to overrun due process in the courts.

End repost

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