Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Excuse me Barry, but go along with the GOP?
What the hell is wrong with the president-elect? Take the senate appointment and stop being a God Damn Republican shill---I mean Johnny McCain couldn't have helped the GOP more !!
Clean US House and Senate NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dump this Bush co-conspirator Patrick Fitzgerald :
AAnnDD !!!! ....while you are at it and dump this Bush comrade Harry Reid, and dump this Bush comrade Nancy Pelosi!!!
Congressional Caucuses need re-construction, --no more fakes in leadership. We have a planet to save and go-along Blue Dog Democrats need the boot from all committees.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Nuclear Capability for Iran?
It's been obvious for years that this is not correct for why would anyone who has been the butt of Israel's shithead foreign policy aided by the US, --not drop a nuke on Tel Aviv? Just doesn't make any sense if they had the capability that they would not nuke Israel several times over. It is clear that Israeli's are devils to all of the civilized world. What un-human gargbage they are!! All of this and Madoff too!! There has to be a limit to the genocide that the world is forced to swallow from the Israeli's. It is time to implement a total restriction of their ability to destroy the peace of the world.
Prosecute! Convict! Execute! Disenfranchise!
"This administration has destroyed a nation--its culture, its infrastructure, its government, its constitution, its rule of law, and killed, maimed, and displaced millions of its people; shredded our constitution, negated our civil rights, raped the environment, devastated the economy, while enriching only the corporate, financial, and military/industrial CEOs; violated international treaties and laws; issued executive orders and signing statements to gain for themselves anything the complicit congress failed to grant them; and established precedent for admistrations to come, if they are not held accountable for these atrocities. "--anonymous comment at Newsweek
Along with prosecutions and executions, the families of the Bush Administration need to be stripped of all their material wealth which needs to be returned to the United States Treasury. Nothing less than complete disenfranchisement of these non-human murderers and their associates is to be tolerated. Americans must drive a stake through the hearts of the cruel murderous maurauders. A lesson needs to be deeply cut into their legacy so as to discourage those who would take their path to filth. Banishment of everyone associated with the Administration of George W. Bush to the desert jails of Joe Arpaio. Hell on earth for these scumbags, crawling on their bellies in pink underwear in hot desert sand eating slop. Their misery needs to be televised to remind those who would follow in their footsteps that there are indeed consequences for extreme criminality while holding high office. No more slack!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Two puffy Catholic boys & unbridled ambition
By the direction of POTUS, Patrick Fitzgerald wiretaps for 5 years Rod Blagojevitch looking for the Bush Doctrine of Premption (domestic US version) of what you think and talk about along with what you joke about is now fair game for prosecution. This was where they wanted to go all along and these political prosecutions are how they will continue the shadow government while out of power.
When you look there is absolutely nothing here but another craven Republicn federal prosecutor abusing his authority at the direction of the President George W. Bush and Karl Rove...but the $$media$$ plays stupid by following the lead frame of Fitzgerald and creates a distraction and unsettling mistrust in the new administration in order to cripple the remedies which might be forthcoming from the highly skilled and talented administration which is being assembled to move to Washington on 17 January.
Most interesting is the mainstream alternative media including "Democracy Now" are covering this from the right and parroting the constant braying for resignation or impeachment of Blago.
The President GWB is still the one who needs to be impeached. There is enough evidence of wrongdoing there to bury the Washington Monument. But little puff boy Patrick knows that he dances with George and Dick and Karl until the dance is over. What is Puffy's payment to be for doing this to America and the World?
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